First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

Hey there everyone! It is TIME! Hahaha. I have been germinating my seeds in a wet paper towel, and now that one has begun to sprout, I have planted it into my bubbleponics system using the rockwool cubes, and set up my grow tent. Not too much exciting yet, but there will be plenty more info to come! The strain that has sprouted is my Afghan Kush, and I of coarse have taken some pictures for you dear people. There will be a second strain, right now it looks like it will either be BC Blueberry Bud, or Blackberry. I was going to do White Widow or BC Early Blueberry Bud, but both of those seeds seem to not be sprouting. :(

Anywho! This is what the grow station looks like. Beware, it is GHETTO AS HELL hahahaha:

I had to use belts and rope to get the lights low enough from the ceiling to the bubbleponics system, however, they still aren't as low as they should be, I know. But I am hoping that it still might work. They are still keeping it nice and bright and warm in that room from all the reflection that is for sure. xD
I also just realized that I am a complete idiot and planted the seed upside down. Considering as you can see in the photo, my root is sticking up out of the cube. I have taken the seed out of the cube and planted it the right way, root down this time. Hahaha. Good start eh? I have already begun my mistakes as a newb grower. =P
Alright, after the first day, the little sprout is up and checking out the lights! Good to see for the Afghan Kush. The other is a Blackberry Bud, it did end up sprouting, but that guy just went in today. So I figured the day between them won't really matter that much in the long rung. Here the little guy is:

Not much change today, the little sprout seems to be loving the lights right now, and the Blackberry seed I got in there is starting to poke his head up, so we are in business!
Hey folks! The Blackberry has opened up, I am posting some pics. The Afghan Kush is getting its leaves coming through and the Blackberry Bud is opened up and ready to go!

Afghan: 001.jpg

Blackberry: 002.jpg
Hey folks! The blackberry is growing like a BOSS! Catching up to the afghan pretty quick, so I am rather happy about that. The Afghan is also starting to grow a second set of leaves. Things seem to be going well on day 6! ((Photo uploading doesn't seem to be working for me right now, so I am just going to put them as photos on the page instead of attachments. Sorry. xD))


Just so everyone knows I would love to have you guys write posts, let me know how I am doing or what I should change as it goes on or even right now. xD I always like friendly discussion. xD
Hey folks! Anyone who is out the Afghan is looking REALLY GOOD! :D The blackberry however I am worried about, it seems to be wilting quite a bit, however, it is not turning any bad colors. Perhaps this is just how it grows?

Afghan: 093.jpg

Blackberry: 094.jpg

Should I put my first feeding of nutes into the water with the reserve change I will be doing shortly? Or should I wait? I plan on starting it with a 1/4 helping of nutes, and working my way to full packs.
I shall keep prodding my fellow stoners until I find out if my Blackberry plant is dying or not. xD It is still really green.... just has limp leaves.


Well-Known Member
It is not dying but surely is not happy. I have a similar set up and I do not place the seedlings into the net pots and hydroton until some roots have protruded out of the rockwool.

I would not use the nutrients yet as they are still pretty small and will not have the root structure to absorb it yet, are you using the drip system with this setup? I find that the drip lines are only good until the roots hit the water, then you will want to pull out the pump and lines as the roots will tangle up with the pump; check out my grow and look early in the thread where I had to leave my pump head in the reservoir.

I found your post hidden in another thread, you may want to add a signature with a link to your grow, you can get some more visitors, comments, and knowledge imparted if we can find your grow.

Best of luck, oh yeah Subbed.



Well-Known Member
Looks good to me to might let the rockwool dry out a little meaning so its not soaked but just moist. Also its been awhile since i did hydro but im pretty sure you want your water right up to the tap root until the roots start to drop down from the net pot then you run your water lower. Might try less light also maybe one or 2 23w CFL 6500K spectrum for a week or so then add lights from there. Im sub'd so i'll help you as much as i can buddy.
Alright, so I turned off the two large lights and I kept the two little ones on (the large and small lights are both dual spectrum sets, so I wanted to keep them both on, just because), and I will see if that helps the little guys out at all, hopefully I will see some change. I actually checked the roots, and the roots are already coming out of the bottom of the basket, so I think that the water is doing just fine, nothing seems to be going too bad with that, but I will see what happens if I cut the water down a little bit so that the rockwool can dry a bit.

Thank you guys so much for your responses! Helped a lot! Lets hope that these slight alterations will bring these puppies to a new level!


Well-Known Member
Now that the roots have emerged out the net pots you can start what SlimJim503 mentioned and what I have done throughout my grow, raise your water level to the bottom of your net pots and let the ladies drink it up (just do not let the rock wool be saturated with water for two long.

Do not bring your reservoir up to the net pots until your plants can drink the water and expose some roots to air in abot 24 hours or so, even with well oxygenated water you risk problems. I usually leave about 3"-4" between water and net pots and hang roots to air out every other week for about 30 minutes (they love the air bath).

If you are using a pump and drip lines, here is the issue I was referring to.



Well-Known Member
Now you should post pics like every day around the same time so i can help watch for stretch and if the roots are out of the net pot i would keep the water below the rockwool and slightly mist the rockwool with a spray bottle instead of using the water to do so cuz you dont want it soaked only slightly moist.


Well-Known Member
Now that the roots have emerged out the net pots you can start what SlimJim503 mentioned and what I have done throughout my grow, raise your water level to the bottom of your net pots and let the ladies drink it up (just do not let the rock wool be saturated with water for two long.

Do not bring your reservoir up to the net pots until your plants can drink the water and expose some roots to air in abot 24 hours or so, even with well oxygenated water you risk problems. I usually leave about 3"-4" between water and net pots and hang roots to air out every other week for about 30 minutes (they love the air bath).

If you are using a pump and drip lines, here is the issue I was referring to.

Hahahah thats funny i guess i type slow:-)


Well-Known Member
Hey bud I just popped in here to see how your plant is doing, I wish I could help but I'm a soil guy (if I can even be considered that for a first time grower). Hope it turns around, keep at it man.
Really bad news guys.... both plants are now showing much worse signs now that I have turned off some of the light and taken away some of the water like you were saying. I am going to go out and get a PH reader today to see if that is the issue.... I am extremely worried....
I also have not changed the water out, and it is day 12, I suppose that is also a very bad thing. I will change the water out today as well. I will post pictures in a little bit to show you the condition of the plants. *sigh* So sad.
Ugh. I am so stupid for not having checked the reservoir yet. -.-
I just changed it, it had emptied about half way from the mark I set for 6 gallons, and as such I am sure that the quality of the little water left was not good. SO hopefully this fresh water will help these guys spring back up to life!


Well-Known Member
BlankCaption if your plants do not have roots that extend out the net pots yet than you will need your water level right at the level of the (rock wool or within a half inch or so) or continue using the drip system.

How many bubble stones do you have in your reservoir? as long as your plants roots are getting oxygenated air they will not rot or die.

I will wait on the pictures.
