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  1. QuickBush

    These dead?

    Keep in mind when I say dry, I mean crunchy/sandy/almost like a fresh bag of perlit that has never seen water.
  2. QuickBush

    These dead?

    The water is distilled for 48-72 hours and ph is 6.5 in the soil. I know it says not to over water ,but I could literally stick my finger in to the bottom of the pot, like if they were in sand. So of course I sprayed some water on tops to at least dampen the top 1/2 inch (5-6 sprays of water)...
  3. QuickBush

    These dead?

    Fox farm ocean forest with about 20% extra perlit
  4. QuickBush

    These dead?

    yeah just soil and water....had them about 3 inches away from the cfls.
  5. QuickBush

    These dead?

    The soil seems to be drying up every couple of hours. I didn't spray them before I went to bed, in fear of overwatering. and I woke up to this. 1 looks ok, the seed you see was about to sprout but decided to fall over due to whatever it is I did wrong. the skinny one folded over was pretty thick...
  6. QuickBush

    Green-o-matic Autoflowering Seeds

    First run at them, but info says 55-60 days from seed.
  7. QuickBush

    Green-o-matic Autoflowering Seeds

    So this is what I have: 5 GOM auto's in five- 4.3" clay pots, under three- 23watt cfls. My grow box is 24"hX 13.5"wX9"D I used fox farms ocean forest because fox farm is all I seen all over the forums. I have since taken' a liking to bio bizz and went ahead and ordered what I could; thus...
  8. QuickBush


    Hola michigander, general rule of thumb is two weeks before harvest yes. How to plan when to start that two weeks? personal preference. note: if you wait til 3/4 tichs are amber,you're far too gone to try to start flushing and chop the bitch.