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  1. E

    what nutes from lowes?

    Oh please. FF is a great product hands down, but no need rag of MG. I've seen some really high end bud grown with MG. ..and to answer your question closet, ive been using this product this year with good results so far. (outdoor grow)...
  2. E

    Unsure of the issue, Pics.

    I have 3 girls in a pop-up greenhouse in 5 gallon buckets. They've been in flowering a few weeks. They have buds and some nice crystals starting to form now, but recently started to have an issue. They are watered properly, though my tap water ph is at 7.2~. They had a catapillar issue for a...
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    Mini Greenhouse grow

    Anyone use a standard fan outside in a greenhouse without humidity destroying it? Anyone know of some systemic (non foliar spray) preventative fungicides? Can I use a fungicide this early in flowering or will it be harmful to my health later. I don't know how long the residual would stay on the...
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    Mini Greenhouse grow

    Also, any tips for keeping the smell down outdoors? Its starting to smell very nice, though Im not RIGHT next to my neighbors.. they are within a stones throw.
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    Mini Greenhouse grow

    I've never thought about buying a dehumidifier for an outdoor greenhouse, do you really think it would be able to make a difference? (no sarcasm, srs question)
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    Mini Greenhouse grow

    This is my first real grow, though not very big.. its for personal use/hobby. I started with 6 plants in a closet grow from bagseed from some really nice stuff. At 24" I started flowering in my closet with a really weak cfl setup. A few weeks into flowering I realized my current lights...
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    Cheap Greenhouse // Grow two.

    Im on my second grow, (first real grow). My first grow was 4 plants indoors... every one of them turned male. I almost cried. Nonetheless, I'm attempting an outside grow this year. I've had my girls inside for the past 6 weeks and they are ready to be put outside this weekend. I plan to post...
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    Week 3 Veg Leaves Losing Leaf Pressure?

    Thanks, any advice on what those leaf spots are and what kind of nutes (brand or NPK) I should be runnign at this stage?
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    Week 3 Veg Leaves Losing Leaf Pressure?

    I still love you though Bamf. Sit back, smoke a joint and don't worry about other peoples misinterpretation of your good intentions. Thanks again for the help.
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    Week 3 Veg Leaves Losing Leaf Pressure?

    Here's my current lighting setup running 24hrs 1" from the top of the plants: This morning one of my girls is showing spotting on two of her lower leaves, It isn't looking bad yet but I'd like to prevent whatever is causing the spots. Light yellow spots along the veins on just the two lower...
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    Week 3 Veg Leaves Losing Leaf Pressure?

    After reading the advice and using some of my own judgement Ill have to go with spark's advice. I would'nt think them to be rootbound in the size pot at this age. I have been watering them every other day. I did not want to over water them, I've read that a lot of beginners make the mistake of...
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    Week 3 Veg Leaves Losing Leaf Pressure?

    Also if I wanted to investigate visually for rootbind, how would I go about that safely? Oh and Lights are 24hours. Is it too soon to begin adding nutes? I have some 10-10-10 liquid mix.. think I could start at 1/4 strength?
  13. E

    Week 3 Veg Leaves Losing Leaf Pressure?

    Checking water by putting my finger down a few inches in the soil. I removed the netting from the jiffy cubes before i planted them in their current pots so I wouldnt think them to be rootbound. Heat shouldn't be an issue, the fluorescent lights dont put off much, room stays about 73 F. My...
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    Week 3 Veg Leaves Losing Leaf Pressure?

    :bigjoint:I've been a long time visiter of this site. Finally convinced me to try my hand at gardening. I'm in week 3 of my veg with 6 plants. My first grow. The leaves seem to be leaning downward. Should I up my watering? I've been doing 1 cup of water everytime they dry out. Should they be...