Mini Greenhouse grow


This is my first real grow, though not very big.. its for personal use/hobby.
I started with 6 plants in a closet grow from bagseed from some really nice stuff.
At 24" I started flowering in my closet with a really weak cfl setup. A few weeks into flowering I realized my current lights weren't going to cut it. I had 3 males come in so I cut them down. I purchased a small 5wx5Lx6h pop up greenhouse to put my 3 ladies in outdoors.
Theyve been outside for 2 weeks now, and are still continuing to flower though I do not think the nights are long enough yet to continue flowering.... we'll see. Sun sets by 800 and dark by 830ish. Sunrise by 530-6am. 10 hours darkness at a stretch with some dwindling twilight hours. Im hoping its far enough into flowering that they won't revert.. but its most likely they will.

There is a humidity issue during the days here, I have 2 screened vents on the top of the greenhouse though humidity buildup is still an issue. Can I use a standard box fan in the greenhouse or do you think the humidity would destroy it forcing me to buy a specialized outdoor fan? (If so, any suggestions?)

I have buds forming all over my plants, this being my first grow I'm very excited seeing all the nice crystals forming. With the humidity issue do you think I should look into a preventative (systemic) fungicide.. or would that be a bad idea with the buds/crystals coming in?

With my plants most likely reverting back to veg until fall comes around in a couple months, will this effect potency is a negative way?

It's dark outside right now, though I plan to have some pictures up in the morning. THanks in advance:joint::joint:


I've never thought about buying a dehumidifier for an outdoor greenhouse, do you really think it would be able to make a difference? (no sarcasm, srs question)


Also, any tips for keeping the smell down outdoors? Its starting to smell very nice, though Im not RIGHT next to my neighbors.. they are within a stones throw.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
i think with an outdoor greenhouse and a dehumidifier you would most likely be wasting alot of the process however if you are anal about the humidity to keep from molding your buds i think it might make a slight difference. as far as the smell goes... unless you have a fan connected to a carbon scrubber from inside your greenhouse then theres pretty much no way of covering the smell.


Anyone use a standard fan outside in a greenhouse without humidity destroying it? Anyone know of some systemic (non foliar spray) preventative fungicides? Can I use a fungicide this early in flowering or will it be harmful to my health later. I don't know how long the residual would stay on the bud being that most people dont wash cannabis before ingesting.

Thanks for your input ebb. Think a large bucket of road salt/rock salt would have any effect worthwhile when use with a fan?


Well-Known Member
Anyone use a standard fan outside in a greenhouse without humidity destroying it? Anyone know of some systemic (non foliar spray) preventative fungicides? Can I use a fungicide this early in flowering or will it be harmful to my health later. I don't know how long the residual would stay on the bud being that most people dont wash cannabis before ingesting.

Thanks for your input ebb. Think a large bucket of road salt/rock salt would have any effect worthwhile when use with a fan?
yes i have a mini greenhouse in my patio....with a good vent and i use solar fan....that you can buy from walmart online for twenty bucks...its low fan...its so perfect for my plants in the greenhouse...thats it :D