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  1. C

    Growing without nutes...

    If you get quality soil, you can go at least through veg without nutes, but your buds will definitely benefit from nutes in the flowering stage, although there are things you can use like molasses (not a substitute for good nutes) which are a little safer. I've got FF Ocean Forest, and plan on...
  2. C

    Question about pot size

    Aight, thanks man
  3. C

    Question about pot size

    All I can ever find are round pots made of either really thick plastic, or tera cotta. I'd like to find some nice plastic square ones to cut down on space issues. Again though, about what size could I use?
  4. C

    Clones dying help pls!

    Probably shouldn't use so much water. I've only done clones once, but I just kept them damp in the jiffy pellets (no water in the bottom). I also made a rooting hormone out of willow tree branches, and I had a 100% success rate. Keep them moist but not wet.
  5. C

    Question about pot size

    I've got the run-of-the-mill rubbermaid grow box like you've seen all over these forums, and I was wanting to grow 4 plants in there. If the plants will only be around 29 inches final height, what is the smallest pot size i can get away with without having rootbound problems? Also, what are...
  6. C

    How Much Light for Rooted Clones?

    Thanks for the tips guys
  7. C

    How Much Light for Rooted Clones?

    Alright, thanks man, I'll just take it easy on the water for a while and see what happens.
  8. C

    How Much Light for Rooted Clones?

    I just watered them once when I put them in the new soil until the water ran out of the bottom of the cup, then i sprayed them a little bit this morning. The soil is still pretty damp, so I haven't watered. I transplanted them Friday afternoon if that helps. Could having the lights too close...
  9. C

    How Much Light for Rooted Clones?

    I've just had a few clones take root in Jiffy pellets, and I transplanted them into larger cups with more soil. For the last two days, I had two 27w cfls about 4 inches above the tops of the clones, but they seem to be getting pretty droopy, and I'm sure it's because of too much light. How...
  10. C

    Nirvana Trusted!

    What payment method did you guys use? Did you send cash like some sites say to do?
  11. C

    ~power surge on my block!!!!the lights went off!!!are my plants gonna pull though???!

    I would say you're ok. Some people like myself actually only use 18/6 for veg, so 2-3 hrs shouldn't hurt anything really.
  12. C


    Awesome, thanks a bunch man.
  13. C


    So I've had one small successful harvest so far, but am still pretty much a newb. Right now, I've got one bagseed plant growing in a rubbermaid type setup, which seems to be working ok. Only problem I see is the plant starts to droop after like 3-4 days of no water, and the soil is dry at the...