How Much Light for Rooted Clones?


Active Member
I've just had a few clones take root in Jiffy pellets, and I transplanted them into larger cups with more soil. For the last two days, I had two 27w cfls about 4 inches above the tops of the clones, but they seem to be getting pretty droopy, and I'm sure it's because of too much light. How much light should I put over them if using cfls, and about how far from the tops of the plants?


Active Member
from my experience, droopy leaves comes from over-watering. How often are you watering and with how much? Are you using nutes? I don't think 2 27w cfl's is too much light.


Active Member
I just watered them once when I put them in the new soil until the water ran out of the bottom of the cup, then i sprayed them a little bit this morning. The soil is still pretty damp, so I haven't watered. I transplanted them Friday afternoon if that helps. Could having the lights too close be a problem? I had two other clones waiting to take root sitting kind of in the shade and one took root this morning, but it looks a lot healthier than the others that were transplanted on Friday.


Active Member
especially with cfl's i don't think you should be worrying about giving the plants too much light. i had 2 seedlings under 2 27w each and they loved it. especially because it doesn't give off a lot of heat, i sometimes came home and saw that the leaves were touching the bulbs!

you should water when the soil is dry on top. a rule that i went by when i was starting to grow was that when i thought that it needed water, i'd wait an extra day before watering. it is much easier to over-water than underwater, especially when you're taking care of your babes. a moisture meter also helps a lot.


Well-Known Member
its normal for a newly watered plant to get a bit droopy. dont water as much and put the lights within 1-2 inches. the plants will perk back up again!