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  1. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    still waiting on my overdrive being delivered , maybe tomorrow. I'm eager to get the overdrive as its almost time to start adding it. Week 4-7 is when its added.
  2. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    last week my Adv Nutes Sensizym and Bigbud liquid arrived , I've been adding them at half the amount of base nutes which is Adv Nutes Sensi grow/bloom.
  3. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Overall she's doing fine , nice root system , strong branches and very fast bud growth. As its the superskunk its going to be interesting to see if its the 7wk strain , so far from Nirvanah its been 7's but with this one looking slightly different then maybe its the 8wk. Either way I'm pleased...
  4. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    All 7 clones rooted so just getting organised to add them into the flowering room, will need to let them grow a few wks perhaps if I'm going perpetual, decisions will be made after the SuperSkunk has been tested. It defo isn't the same pheno as i grew before, this one has straight edged leaves...
  5. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Every other day or so I've been thining out a few leaves to let the light penetrate into the whole plant. I dnt do it all in one go , I space it out over the bloom period. Some weeks I dnt strip any at all. one thing I will say about thinning out a plant is that even if you remove just a few...
  6. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    was gutted myself mate, she was the one I was more interested in keeping. Might be ordering sum more beanz in the nxt few weeks so if I do I'm gona get me sum more widow. I like nirvana's stuff , old Faithfull lol.
  7. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    yeah i know what you mean Red, the adv nutes sensi bloom does stain a little coz they added humic acid n stuff but not as much as others have in my past grows. This Time round I think the roots stayed pristine white due to the amounts of liquid silicone I added every feed. Its good for the...
  8. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    day 30 since flipping to 12/12 she didn't really do much for the first 14 days so id still say I've maybe got another 4-5 wks till harvest. If she's the 7wk pheno then 4wks , 8wk pheno - 5wks.
  9. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    day 28 bloom
  10. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    day 21 bloom.
  11. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    day 14 bloom SuperSkunk
  12. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Not been online for a few weeks so I've got a few updates to do. I'm just going to post pictures from week 1 of bloom till now , 4weeks into bloom.
  13. 29menace


    @ vostok Today I'm noticed the hole in the stem is closing over which is great news. The picture im about to post , if you compare it to the first pictures you will clearly see that the hole is smaller. Was really worried that I was going to lose my lady but in seeing this today a weight has...
  14. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    SuperSkunk @ day8 of flower. EC reduced to 1.2 from 1.4 due to tip burn and rez is now stable, no fluctuations in Ec. Ph 6.0 temps 78-80f Humidity 45-60% Growing fast , well an inch a day and since topped has branched out very well. Didn't expect as many tops but theres between 15-20 and that's...
  15. 29menace


    hey dannyboy thanx for the reply , I'm gona keep a very close eye on her anyway just to be on the safe side , and for my sanity lol. Its stressful at times wondering if its going to be ok. She's only 1week into flower and has got 6-7wks left if its the quicker flowering pheno and 7-8 if its not...
  16. 29menace


    interesting video vostok , thanx for sharing. That's one big ass plant lol. Hmmmm interesting,The marks do look very similar to mine don't they. I suppose there is a chance its not rot after all, well fingers crossed anyway.
  17. 29menace


    its not sounding good for my lady to be honest, I have clones waiting to root so even if my girl dnt make it at least I have a backup. Its so frustrating that one of these mornings I'm gona wake up to a wilted or snapped plant. I would have thought that if u placed them deep in any medium...
  18. 29menace


    As you can see I've taken away the top inch of Coco from the pot to help keep the stem as dry as possible. Today the affected area was completely dry to the touch. Lowering the humidity at nights by leaving the fans on when lights off will help a little.
  19. 29menace


    Kinda looks worse in the pictures , especially with the hole you can see. I have never ever had this before so its a learning experience for me , least now I know what not to do and what to look out for. Prevention is better than cure and all that. I get what you mean tho that if its stem rot...