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  1. 29menace

    Hermie trait perhaps???

    It's a feminised seed so its looking more like it could be a hermie. This may sound like a dumb question but can a true female from regular seeds hermie like feminised seeds do???
  2. 29menace

    Hermie trait perhaps???

    Hi guys n gals ,Thanx for stopping by. When the top of the plant stops growing and the side branches take over is that a hermie trait??? I had a blue mystic do this in the past and it hermied so I'm thinking this is gona do the same. I noticed last week that the side branches were a few...
  3. 29menace

    Back to grow some more medicine.

    Back to grow some more medicine.
  4. 29menace

    GodBud , Vanilla Kush , Lemon Skunk , Pineapple Chunk , Cream Caramel.... DWC Grow

    This picture was taken 4days ago to show how fast n how much they have grown.
  5. 29menace

    GodBud , Vanilla Kush , Lemon Skunk , Pineapple Chunk , Cream Caramel.... DWC Grow

    Hi guys n gals , Thanx for stopping by. Please feel free to comment on this journal. Right,, my line up is Bc depot's Godbud , Barney's farm's Vanilla Kush and Pineapple Chunk,, Greenhouse Seeds Lemon skunk , and cream caramel from an unknown seed bank. All will be grown in 25litre Dwc...
  6. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    will upload pics of the clones and there setups either later tonight or first thing tomorrow. Peace
  7. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Today is day 43 of flower. Not that long to go now. Will start flushing on day 49 and will harvest day 56 if its ready. Theres a few amber trics so I'm sure in a week it will be ready to flush, if not then I will take it day by day untill I see enough amber trics then I will flush.
  8. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Also bought another 2 20litre buckets and a double pump for the clones, and I bought the oxipot system for £17 , there wasn't a pump with this one hence the price but cant really complain since I already just bought a double. Have added a single clone to the Oxipot and 2 clones in one of the...
  9. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Got these bad boys today and WOW I'm impressed, saw the glasses on youtube a while back n immediately wanted a pair. Instantly takes away the glare from the hps and you can see everything on the bud , and you can take quality pictures if you put them infront of the phone camera. Yaaaaay no more...
  10. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Its the best rootzone ive had in any of my grows , its huge. Didn't think it would get that size coz it wasn't that big when I started flower. The magic of Dwc lol...
  11. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Thanx for stoppin by guys and yeah Dn she's doing well , got my overdrive today so adding that for a week to 10 days then I'm gona flush. with any luck the overdrive will pack on a few extra G's so shudnt do too bad. Hey steveman I just got these for this grow , ec reader is simple n easy to...
  12. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    look at these roots lol there thicker than some of the branches. since adding the sensizym they have just exploded. I lifted the whole plant up to see the whole rootzone and it fills the whole 25litre bucket from top to bottom,, perfectly cylindrical and looks cool as fcuk.
  13. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    day 40 pics
  14. 29menace

    DirtyNerds Grow Journal

    turned on the cfl to get better pics , she's started to go through the change quite quick , pistels turning a nice orange im assuming she might be the earlier flowering pheno but not 100% on that as she still looks like she's got a few wks to go. Only spotted a couple of amber trics so far.
  15. 29menace

    DirtyNerds Grow Journal

    Dwc SuperSkunk Day 40 flower 600w.
  16. 29menace

    DirtyNerds Grow Journal

    Glad to hear things are good man n yeah thanx I'm cool now things have changed for the better. lovin the work you've been doing dude its looking nice!!! yeah I will post a couple pictures of my SuperSkunk , its just the one this time round but she's big lol so that kinda made-up for it. Will...
  17. 29menace

    DirtyNerds Grow Journal

    long time no speak my friend, hope lifes treating you well. Wow this is a big journal n you've been busy I see. Havnt done much myself in here for a long Time now , little entries here n there but no full journals due to problems with police n stuff. Was busted a long Time back n things just...
  18. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    Thinking about adding sum side lightning but space is a problem,, I only have a 300w CFL so heat might be an issue too. its quite a thick canopy on this SuperSkunk but over the last few weeks I've thinned it out a little to let light penetrate through to the lower budz. I dnt know if it will...
  19. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    day 35 flowering SuperSkunk Ec 1.4 ph 6.0 Lookin great so far and really starting to fill out now. Still adding sensizym and bigbud liquid at 10ml each per feed or res change. My overdrive still hasn't arrived but fingers crossed it gets here tomorrow or Monday.
  20. 29menace

    SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

    My bad , Overdrive should be added wks 4-6