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  1. 29menace

    Seedling Issues

    Most nutrients will have an EC of 2.0-2.4 at full strength, your almost at 1.0 which is half strength so you gotta back off and keep it light for a while. I'm using Hydro so I need to feed early on but if your in soil u don't have to for 2-3weeks ,,, Seedlings can't handle alot , for 3 days...
  2. 29menace

    Seedling Issues

    .9 EC , what's your water sitting at from tap or whatever source your taking it from? .9 is a bit high if you as me bro. At that age and in soil they shouldn't need anything. In Hydro yes but not soil. Even in Hydro at that age I would only be feeding 0.7ec with 0.4 being the tap water. So...
  3. 29menace

    Do I have a HERMIE??

    If you're seeing sacks then it's probably male. From the picture it looks like it could be but a closer focused picture would help determine the sex better bro. Thanks
  4. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    Here is a full picture of the plant. She looks really healthy except the 2 top leaves that are showing the yellow bits.
  5. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    I've grown with sensi for years n always ph'd until this grow. I'm seeing if it actually does do what they say. The ph has been 6.4 to 6.5 for weeks without seeing anything bad so there must be some truth to the ph perfect side of things. I have however lowered ph today to 5.7 to 5.8 just to...
  6. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    Rez has dropped a little each week and ppm's have never risen which is confusing, even today the ppm's dropped from 486 to 474. strange lol and I can't explain it m8 but she seems to be feeding fine.
  7. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    Ph today is 6.0 , with Adv Nutes there's no need to ph even if it's as high as 7.3 The working range of sensi is anywhere between 4.8 and 7.4 I can have ph sitting at 7 in hydro with no ill effect. I'm not sure if it's overfeeding tbh coz ppm's drop, albeit small increments but still drops...
  8. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    Hello again guys n gals , I'm back with another question but only because I can't specifically see what I'm looking at anywhere online. At first my green gelato was over watered and has now subsequently been turned into clones due to stem rot. Now the wedding gelato is showing yellow tips only...
  9. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    I have never needed to add peroxide in any of my grows m8. I would only use or feel the need to use it if I had root problems or to sterilise airlines and airstones after prolonged use. I get the fact peroxide is good for plants but I use mycorrhizae so peroxide would just wipe them out man.
  10. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    Didn't mist them bro as I don't have a spray bottle to hand right now. First, What I did was check the roots - there are only a couple poking out the cube and with the pump on a trickle it still is flooding the roots so I decided to turn pump off for a few hrs a day. I did expect more roots...
  11. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    The red stems have me worried a little , the ppm's are not moving either, I'm thinking underfed on that one as well as over watering but until I sort the overwatering she won't really take much food , I think lol. They both ain't growing much at all right now. What's you're thoughts on the red...
  12. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    I used to do only clones in Nft so seedlings are kinda new to me in this setup. Even with just rooted clones I cud keep the pump on 24/7 without this problem. Either way im gonna have to try a few things. 1 being turning pump off for a few hours per day (possibly more) U say force fed , there...
  13. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    Ah I see what you mean now bro. I will keep an eye on it , kinda looks like ducks foot.
  14. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    Yeah its on slow atm , will try a few things over the next few days. Its gonna be either over or under watering so will experiment with pump and see how it goes.
  15. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    The seedlings are green gelato and wedding gelato from royal queen seeds. I believe it is over watering myself so the only thing i can do is put pump on a timer and change from 24/7 to maybe an hour on per day.
  16. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    This was the biggest one a few days ago.
  17. 29menace

    Over watering perhaps?

    I will post pics of 2 seedlings I'm currently growing. Both are in Nft and are @16 days since popping up out the cube. Feeding them adv nutes sensi grow, @ 450ppm in both tanks. 1st feed was 3 days after they sprouted at 300ppm's which they seemed to like then a few days to a week later they...
  18. 29menace

    Are plants ready for harvest?

    I know it's probably finished by now lol but what u gotta remember m8 is there is only a handful of strains that finish before 8weeks , most will never ever be ready until 10-12 weeks after flipping to 12n12 so they key is patience my friend. This is the case with most strains , for example...
  19. 29menace

    Curing question with Boveda 62

    Awesome idea bro, patent the shit outa that. I'd defo buy them.
  20. 29menace

    White Widow , Bubbleicious & Lemon Skunk Dwc

    Few trichome close ups