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  1. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    here ya go
  2. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    Well I'm back up to 16" above the top due to temp they reached 86 so thats not gunna work to well. I may have to figure out how to get some of that heat out of there. Seems like I have plenty of air flow in there. Not sure if any one has some inputs on a cheap way to get some heat outta there
  3. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    Wow that is crazy I did not realize that you could put just part of the plant into flower. I will def try that so then should I do that to each plant at the same time or one at a time. How long does it take about to show sex after putting it to 12/12. I looked at topping and fimming not sure...
  4. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    Date: 2/1/09 Light: 400w MH @ 12" Above top of plants Light Time: 18/6 Pump: 700 Liters Per Hour Pump Timer: 15min on 30 off Nutes: FloraGro 5ml/gal, FloraMicro 5ml/gal, FloraBloom 5ml/gal PH: 6.0 Temp Day: 83 Temp Night: 68 Humidity: 33% Ventilation: Inline 6", oscillating 12", and small 4" for...
  5. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    Ok I will look at one of thos inline ducted fan which im picturing a vortex type like a turbo fan which is alot better than my fan type mounted inside the ducting. And as far as pre-sexing them not sure how to do that I just figured I'd sex them a week or so into flower. Let me know thanks in...
  6. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    my inline fan is a 6" the box says 500 but its one from home depot so i know it isnt really that much. As far as for the closet is 48 cu/ft but my in pipe is only a 2" that comes from the ceiling all the way to the bottom of the plants and dumps fresh attic air in while the exhaust comes from...
  7. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

  8. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    [ From what I see , your plants may still have too much nutes. I have never grown with that type before, but usually seedlings and clones that are small need almost 0 nutes. You can't really go off the bottle, as I discovered, so buy a ppm/ec meter if you can, as it saved me a lot of trouble...
  9. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    Ok i will try moving it closer i had just thought maybe it was burning them a little bit it gets hot in there. How much denser can they get im on the fourth node and they are only 3" long. Thanks for the input anything else feel free to let me know.
  10. SirSmokeAlot419

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    Hey man great grow. There is no way mine are going to turn out anything like that. Not even sure what the seeds are that I sprouted just some dro that had seeds in it. That is awsome my mouth is watering just looking at them. I just started a journal if you could leave me any tips or...
  11. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 plants. 6 with yellowing leaves? lots of pics

    Also forgot to say that the growth has been stunted on the plants with the yellowish/brown leaves.
  12. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 plants. 6 with yellowing leaves? lots of pics

    Hey guys new here just started a journal check it out. Having some problems with half of the plants while the other half look perfect. They are only 3 inches tall should I be concerned about that also? I started the seeds...
  13. SirSmokeAlot419

    My first hydro grow, 600W HPS, White Widow, Blue Mystic

    Hey Giga great job man them buds look amazing. Its my first time and I think its going ok. I made some mistakes but who doesn't. Hope mine turns out half as good as yours and mine is an 11 plant. Check it out and please give me some input if you would like heres the link...
  14. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    Ok finally got all the pics in low enough res for this site. I think everything is going to turn out alright the yellow leaves are looking healthier. Could someone tell me if I am supposed to remove the filter from my pump and if so will it get clogged. Not sure if the filter removes some nutes...
  15. SirSmokeAlot419

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    To answer the first obvious question yes I was knighted haha. This is my first attempt at growing and I don't think it is going to badly please let me know anything at all to improve my design or overall benefit my product. Seeds sprouted about a week and a half ago under florescent light 24hrs...