11 plants. 6 with yellowing leaves? lots of pics


Active Member
Hey guys new here just started a journal https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/156240-11-plant-ebb-flow.html check it out.

Having some problems with half of the plants while the other half look perfect. They are only 3 inches tall should I be concerned about that also?

I started the seeds in the rockwool with 2.5ml of each Floragrow, Floramicro, and Florabloom so it probably is nute burn but I didnt start to notice it till after they had 2 nodes.

I'm seeing lots of new growth that all looks normal. Maybe I'm worried about nothing. Here are the latest pics of every plant except 2.

I'm Lost haha



Well-Known Member
Well I am fairly new so Im not positive but I would say nute burn. The salts and such in the nutes build up and you should probably flush your plants and I think they will be fine.