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  1. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    Did i say you any one gave me bad advice i just want you guys to switch over to your professional side and not your personal side view and help me out stop trying to play out something that is not happening.
  2. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    ... Thanks, she is doing just fine though, i don't need bad fortunes just good advice geez
  3. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    I have to go to work soon, anything?
  4. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    Ya I just am asking for some help asap about what ican do it help my plant while outside please stop trying to linger a problem me and my kin have gotten over with. not the advice i was asking for.
  5. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    with no money, ok let me just pull a mick dodge with no exspence ya right hah!
  6. HighAllMighty

    Need help asap

    I was being ignorant, please forgive my stupidity.
  7. HighAllMighty

    Hey, Need some advice

    I just did not feel like your advice was to positive, not trying to make this negative plus I think I had a few beers that night hah, sorry for gettin all "Nacey Grace" on you rofl!:hug:
  8. HighAllMighty

    Hey, Need some advice

    Well, I said idk on my post which is stating that I Do Not Know! So it was just a guess because that was the name of the bud I got and it's the only seed, I have right now so it's all hope right now and i just wanted some advice on what i did to my set up/grow. to simple for you? sorry.
  9. HighAllMighty

    Hey, Need some advice

    Thanks I thought that would be more affective.
  10. HighAllMighty

    Hey, Need some advice

    Thanks for the extra advice Do i really need to move my plant again though i don't trust this soil it might fall apart when trying to transfer again my first soil almost did and it was not as fluffy? glad to hear my seedling looks good aswell. :)
  11. HighAllMighty

    Hey, Need some advice

    I know this is a purple strain, it was spose to be (great ape) but idk. If you look at the third photo you can see the stem holding the leaves is a really nice purple color.
  12. HighAllMighty

    Hey, Need some advice

    So I have moved this plant form it's small plastic pot and into a bigger clay pot added freshsoil half way up the pot then mad a trench for the only soil with my hand then took out my plant in it's old soil and placed it in gently then covered over the rest of the pot with fresh soil and covered...
  13. HighAllMighty

    New grower

    Well day 6 and i added river rock to the bottom of the soil so the roots would not get so soaked from the aerator I have in the plastic pot. how long should i veg for if i just want around an oz to 3 oz's dry probably alot of work right lol?
  14. HighAllMighty

    New grower

    ok well i removed that 65w (Incandescent light) and replaced it was a 20w 1200luman 120v 60mh cfl bulb 2-3 inches from the plant because it's not so hot as that incandescent bulb <-(is trash) but this is all i have for now. which do you think would work better i started with the incandescent.
  15. HighAllMighty

    New grower

    Thanks dude! I trully love this Plant. (cannabis in general)
  16. HighAllMighty

    New grower

    ok well i kinda of changed it up a bit. I have a Small "Areonomic"<-(made this word up) like system I made but not exactly, It is Keeping my plant soil cooler moister and more aired because I had a temp gun tonight i borrowed from my friend and the soil was a good 80f - 83f degree's the plant it...
  17. HighAllMighty

    New grower

    Thanks this is what I did. :)
  18. HighAllMighty

    New grower

    Ok so this is day 5 now and everything is looking ok today to me, yes those are broken egg shells from one egg and I cleaned the inside with my finger and water then let it sit for two weeks to dryout then added it after i planted the taproot. been watering them everytime the container feels...
  19. HighAllMighty

    New grower

    This is from day 4 i do not have a vertical picture of the stem but it looked health about 2 inches tall.
  20. HighAllMighty

    New grower

    Hello i am just starting off my first plant it is about 5 days into sprouting/veg, can you tell me if it looks health? I did Really well germinating the seed, I'm positive even though it was a "BagSeed". I know they guy that I got sack from and he said the stuff was Great Ape but Idk forsure...