New grower

Hello i am just starting off my first plant it is about 5 days into sprouting/veg, can you tell me if it looks health? I did Really well germinating the seed, I'm positive even though it was a "BagSeed". I know they guy that I got sack from and he said the stuff was Great Ape but Idk forsure, but it was some Good Bud, cured right and only one seed was found out of a quarter so i guess that's really not that bad.:leaf: also any tips or advice would help Thank You. I will be posting pictures soon probaby in like 5 - 10 mins

Also when germinating i scraped the rounded part of the seedling on perpose for better germination in a cup of water and after 2 days it's tap root was exposed out about a half mm so i moved it to a sink with a strainer and a towel covering over the strainer with a slow but constant drip rate after a day in a half i took my seeding which it's tap root was a good 3 mm long atlest checked every 12hours on it to make sure it did not grown into the strainer and planted it 6 mm into the soil and had a sprouting 1 day later." sorry kinda rambling haha but I thought it would help explain this a little more. i am growing it in natural light and 65w grow bulb on a 16-18 hour light cycle and im counting the first day saw the sprouting as my day1 so now I'm on day five and i have picture for day 4 and 5.
DSC_0185.jpgDSC_0182.jpgOk so this is day 5 now and everything is looking ok today to me, yes those are broken egg shells from one egg and I cleaned the inside with my finger and water then let it sit for two weeks to dryout then added it after i planted the taproot. been watering them everytime the container feels light and check to see how much soil sticks to my finger before doing so to ensure i am not going to over water. "Looks a health green too me." light soil mix as well


Well-Known Member
nice, when it starts getting bigger, throw that little baby in a bigger pot.. and bury the stem!.. more roots will grow from the stem, and it wont be all top heavy and stretchy. looks good otherwise dude.. welcome to your new favorite hobby lol


Puts light to almost touching
and i agree since its stretched wen u transplant burry the stem so sheel be abit shorter
ok well i kinda of changed it up a bit. I have a Small "Areonomic"<-(made this word upDSC_0188.jpgDSC_0188.jpgDSC_0189.jpgDSC_0190.jpgDSC_0191.jpg) like system I made but not exactly, It is Keeping my plant soil cooler moister and more aired because I had a temp gun tonight i borrowed from my friend and the soil was a good 80f - 83f degree's the plant it self was 83f on the mini fan leaves it's got hah, but here is what i got set up now. the soil seem to have cooled off but don't have my temp gun now.
nice, when it starts getting bigger, throw that little baby in a bigger pot.. and bury the stem!.. more roots will grow from the stem, and it wont be all top heavy and stretchy. looks good otherwise dude.. welcome to your new favorite hobby lol
Thanks dude! I trully love this Plant. (cannabis in general)


Active Member
Treat her right then. Good air, good food, good soil, good equipment.....Looking good man, just make sure you have a plan for what you are going to do with her. If onsticking with a closet grow then I'd look to a ballast/light combo that is both metal halide and high pressure sodium so you can handle your veg and flower with the same light. You mentioned natural light/65, does that mean you are moving the plant around? Put her someplace and let her be once she's bigger. Make sure you have a light tight area once you flower...
Treat her right then. Good air, good food, good soil, good equipment.....Looking good man, just make sure you have a plan for what you are going to do with her. If onsticking with a closet grow then I'd look to a ballast/light combo that is both metal halide and high pressure sodium so you can handle your veg and flower with the same light. You mentioned natural light/65, does that mean you are moving the plant around? Put her someplace and let her be once she's bigger. Make sure you have a light tight area once you flower...
ok well i removed that 65w (Incandescent light) and replaced it was a 20w 1200luman 120v 60mh cfl bulb 2-3 inches from the plant because it's not so hot as that incandescent bulb <-(is trash) but this is all i have for now. which do you think would work better i started with the incandescent.
Well day 6 and i added river rock to the bottom of the soil so the roots would not get so soaked from the aerator I have in the plastic pot. how long should i veg for if i just want around an oz to 3 oz's dry probably alot of work right lol?DSC_0203.jpg