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  1. Urca

    How To Break It To My Mom?

    huh? i dont have any loans, but was gonna do it with my brother. needs help. though i am wary
  2. Urca

    How To Break It To My Mom?

    i kinda already gave him my word, and i do see your point, but this is my twin... i cant leave him high and dry. though.... you do make a valid point
  3. Urca

    How To Break It To My Mom?

    school is paid for regradless, same for books.
  4. Urca

    How To Break It To My Mom?

    well i get 2500 again in march, and my dad wouldnt let my bro cheat me. even if i gave him 1200, id still have 1300. they immeadiately subtract my tution before i even get the check.
  5. Urca

    How To Break It To My Mom?

    yeah i know but she will be like thats stupid, etc. but my bro works full time and will def pay me back, or else my dad would kill him
  6. Urca

    How To Break It To My Mom?

    then dont read it? idk what to tell you
  7. Urca

    How To Break It To My Mom?

    well the thing is, my financial aid is a grant, which is basically a scholarship that the govt gives you. and i love my bro very much, he's my twin, and him not having a car affects the whole household where he lives, so i wanted to help my family out
  8. Urca

    How To Break It To My Mom?

    Ok so i already mentioned i was getting 2500 in financial aid in about two weeks. well, my brother and i had a long talk today, and im loaning him 1200 bucks so he can get a car. the bank wouldnt give him the loan, but he needs a car really bad. his old car went out on him, and now he has to...
  9. Urca

    My Art

    lol no, he just had a scar from skatboarding that lookes like hilter, and he's a boy and im a girl, so we arent identical. thanks for the compliment though!
  10. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    yeah, we had a good time,
  11. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    lol kuroi, stick to your weed
  12. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    i noticed that there is a difference in how i react to beer as compared to the hard stuff. lol im alot more stupid, silly, just get way too drunk when i drink hard liquor i enjoyed getting drunk much more on beer. wasnt too drunk
  13. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    are you serious? lol i drink with my real dad too, and when my mom used to drink, id drink with her. we've (me and my brother and occaisionally my sister, but she prefers to drink outside the home) all been drinking together for years. then again i come from a family of alcoholics.
  14. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    lol so i turned on my webcam last night while i was looking at shit through the internet. holy fuck i was so gone, i played back the video and my eyes never even looked open, i was lit as fuck and super buzzed, almost to the point of being drunk off my ass
  15. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    he doesnt support me smoking, only drinking
  16. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    lol im kinda drunk, gonna go smoke now
  17. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    YALL ARE NASTY AS FUFKC, MAN. lol seriously
  18. Urca

    My Art

    its supposed to be my twin bro
  19. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    FUCK YEAH, NAW Y'ALL ARE GROSS, ID NEVER FUCK MY STEPDAD. we're just drinking beers and watching hot tub time machine. ive been drinking with him since i was 12
  20. Urca

    tonihgts gonna be good

    im drinking with my stepdad and picked up a fat nug earlier... fuck yeah im getting messed up tonight. yum blue moon, but he made me take bacardi shots... bleh so gross