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  1. TDawgKush

    Future problems with smell?

    Hey guys, So i have a few pictures of my setup here Ive got a 80mm fan that circulates air but is not for the future odor of the plants and ive got a 115w cfl, (I do realise ive got 2 plants and need more than that but i will move one to another styrafoam box) also i have a digital timer I...
  2. TDawgKush

    Smell of growing master kush

    Im sorry but theres no need to be that rude with me, you do realize this is the Newbie place right and your supposed to be giving me good advice Thanks for answering my question but still i know what it smells like and i do consider the advice that the other people gave me but i was assuming...
  3. TDawgKush

    Smell of growing master kush

    Hey guys, sorry for asking such a stupid question but im curious How much does master kush smell out of 10 Will neighbours be able to smell it ? What kind of smell does it have ? Thanks in advance guys, appreciate the support
  4. TDawgKush

    Smell of Growing

    I was going to grow master kush if that helps
  5. TDawgKush

    Smell of Growing

    Hey guys i know its kind of a stupid but i want to confirm a few things so i wanted to ask a few questions 1. How much out of 10 does it smell growing weed 2. Does it smell during the veg period or overall 3. Will it smell that much if i install an air freshener and use a bathroom extractor fan?
  6. TDawgKush

    Lighting & fan advice needed.

    I agree, Doubling the 600w is so much easier and you wouldnt have the problems if you upgrade to a 1000w
  7. TDawgKush

    Lights for highest yield??

    Hey man, Personally i would say that HPS (High pressure sodium) or MH (Metal Halide) Would be the best and dont worry about investing around 1000 dollars on that stuff, ebay actually has a great range of HPS and MH lights you can choose from around 80 dollars or so which isnt at all bad And...
  8. TDawgKush

    How to ship Cannabis seeds from the US to the UK

    Hey guys, :leaf::leaf::leaf: I have 10 seeds that i would like to send to the U.K to a friend, How would i go about doing this...I searched this up on google and couldnt find much about this particular manner, I know that Cannabis seeds are legal in England so i have a few questions 1. When i...
  9. TDawgKush

    First time growing (If i try outside)

    Hey yall, I was going to try growing my seeds outside after i germinate, the strain is blue cheese and is 100% indica:leaf::leaf::leaf: I got suggested from somebody here on my other thread to grow outside, my original plan was to start it off indoors because its an indoor strain...
  10. TDawgKush

    First time grower with CFLS

    Looking to grow 2 plants, i only have one lamp, how would i be able to connect all of the light bulbs ?
  11. TDawgKush

    First time grower with CFLS

    Thanks to everyone it has given me a good idea but, one thing is that the wattage... DO i use 23 watts and is that okay ? or shall i go up in watts like the other guy said
  12. TDawgKush

    First time grower with CFLS

    Thank you man :)
  13. TDawgKush

    First time grower with CFLS

    Hey yall, Im a first time grower and i was going to use the strain blue cheese :leaf::leaf::leaf: 1)I wanted to know if a 6500k cfl or a 5500k cfl is better because i saw the chart and to me it appeared to be that 5500k is better for more activity, I want to start of my seed in vegging mode...
  14. TDawgKush

    CANNABIS SEEDLINGS DYING, ( I think their burnt)

    The temp is 78 f and I had some soil I think had some sort of tomato fertilizer in it I thought it would be alright but originally it didn't have any in
  15. TDawgKush

    CANNABIS SEEDLINGS DYING, ( I think their burnt)

    Hey guys, so ive been growing cannabis in my wardrobe under cfl light 13 watt i put it close to my plant. The problem is that the leaves are turning yellow and brown and i think their dying also the water thats coming out when i water it is yellow is that a problem? im a noob at this and i...