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  1. Dr. Treez84

    doublejj's Big 2014 light dep greenhouse adventure.....

    How do they light dep the greenhouse? pull a tarp over the whole thing every night?
  2. Dr. Treez84

    Help with light dep

    In the process of vegging some clones until their about 24" tall. When they reach that height I want to put them outside and flip them into flower by doing light dep. I was wondering how big of pots I should use? Does anyone have experience with this? I was going to do 50 or 75 gal but I don't...
  3. Dr. Treez84

    First time growing indoors, help with lighting.

    It's my first time growing indoors and looking to stick by legal limits but want to get that outdoor yield. I figure my best bet is bigger pots and more lights. Is 20-40 lights too many for a 30x60 or 38x36ft area? Also, what would the power bill be if i'm doing all 1000w lights? I've read that...
  4. Dr. Treez84

    TGA Super Soil VS your own subcool mixture

    Thank you JSMaine, i know. I don't plan to put them out until mid may, its about 14h 20 min of sunlight then.
  5. Dr. Treez84

    subs supersoil

    It says to not put clones straight into super soil but what if I'm getting teens and then vegging them for another 2 months is top soil before their placed in the super soil. So essentially they'll be vegged for 3-4 months before they go outside on may 1st? Can i put them into straight SS or...
  6. Dr. Treez84

    TGA Super Soil VS your own subcool mixture

    and it says to not put clones straight into super soil but what if I'm getting teens and then vegging them for another 2 months is top soil before their placed in the super soil. So essentially they'll be vegged for 3-4 months before they go outside on may 1st? Can i put them into straight SS or...
  7. Dr. Treez84

    TGA Super Soil VS your own subcool mixture

    found buying the worm casting, perlite, TGA fertilizer packs and then using down to earth organic soil works out much cheaper then the listed TGA SS. While still a little more then breaking it all down together i think it would be the most beneficial way. Has anyone used this method before? i've...
  8. Dr. Treez84

    TGA Super Soil VS your own subcool mixture

    Debating between buying the TGA supersoil or making my own mix. Its not that i'm lazy, its the cost efficiency of the TGA supersoil that has me debating wether it works as good or not. I priced out making subs mix myself and buying the TGA pre mixed is about 25% cheaper which is a lot of money...
  9. Dr. Treez84

    Moving to Colorado, Greenhouse help

    Think I'm probably just better off hanging the three 100k BTU heaters evenly across the top then. Don't really want to give up unnecessary floor space and ideally would want to choose the temp I'm leaving it at without consistent tending. Just going to have a thermostat control them and when in...
  10. Dr. Treez84

    Irrigation system set up for smart pots

    Alright, will do for sure. Appreciate it bugeye.... you've been a lot of help. I've always used my well water in Cali so i probably would of taken it for granted too and just went ahead an watered with it again. Will start looking into good RO systems because these babies are gonna be sucking...
  11. Dr. Treez84

    Moving to Colorado, Greenhouse help

    double barrel wood stove? seriously? It wouldn't put off smoke or anything that could harm the plants? their much cheaper so it would be ideal... saw a couple videos online of them working... just makes a me nervous
  12. Dr. Treez84

    Irrigation system set up for smart pots

    Next year I plan on growing in 200gal smart pots. I love everything about smart pots besides their height. I'm tired of watering by hand every day so I'm looking into making some kind of irrigation system for my garden. I'll have 4 rows of 12 plAnts in my green house. Was wondering if anyone had...
  13. Dr. Treez84

    Moving to Colorado, Greenhouse help

    LA Confidentail LA confidential budding Banana kush concentrates
  14. Dr. Treez84

    Moving to Colorado, Greenhouse help

    pinapple the garden i was working on (wasnt my set up, would of changed a few things) other pineapple
  15. Dr. Treez84

    Moving to Colorado, Greenhouse help

    thank you both for the advice. To Ibex i have read the laws and have a bunch of family there as well. This year i will be growing from seed because i dont have time to grow my clones and take cuts. So this year i plan to grow a few different strains and then pick the best mothers to take my cuts...
  16. Dr. Treez84

    Moving to Colorado, Greenhouse help

    Also, to the growers who have dealt with the cold before... which strains did you find worked best? would you use clones or seeds etc...
  17. Dr. Treez84

    Moving to Colorado, Greenhouse help

    I am about to purchase some land in Colorado and plan to run outdoors in a greenhouse next year. I have about 30k to spend on the greenhouse but would like to stay well under that if possible. Being that colorado stays a lot colder I was hoping to get some advice on different heating systems and...