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  1. Dr. Treez84

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Ya definitely their all still really small. Just fresh cut clones and some that are 3-6 weeks old. How long should I keep them on 18/6? Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Rollitup mobile app
  2. Dr. Treez84

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Well sounds like I have some figuring out to do as far as the wind goes. But I have four double fluorescent lights hung already down the middle. Would those work? Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Rollitup mobile app
  3. Dr. Treez84

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Appreciate it, that's actually by me some what. I have a smaller evaporative cooler right now but it's looking like I'm gonna need to spend the money on a nicer one Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Rollitup mobile app
  4. Dr. Treez84

    help cooling a greenhouse

    What type of lights? I have a breaker set up out there so that would definitely be possible. Ordering two industrial exhaust fans tomorrow. 10k cfm each so that should definitely help. Trying to keep the sides down if possible. Just had a wind storm come through that almost ripped it out of the...
  5. Dr. Treez84

    help cooling a greenhouse

    And thanks bud, it's been a project and a half but Damn proud of it at this point. Had the original fall apart on me and had to re do most of it so getting a late start. Once I get these temps down I can mix soil and its go time :) and yes there is never an hr of shade on it but finding that...
  6. Dr. Treez84

    help cooling a greenhouse

    I thought you put shade cloth over the plastic? And I'm by myself so would be a task. But worth looking into because I gotta get the temps down Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Rollitup mobile app
  7. Dr. Treez84

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    How hot does it get inside the greenhouse?
  8. Dr. Treez84

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Just finally got my greenhouse up and now am trying to control the temperatures. It's 64x24ft and is getting up to 130+ some days, when its only in the 90s here. I have two exhaust fans and then 6 big fans inside. Anyone have any experience or advice? I got it down to 115 today rolling up the...
  9. Dr. Treez84

    How many gallons of tea do you give your plants?

    How much tea would you give your plants in 200 gal smart pots? Both veg and flower? I've been looking into different peoples mixes and they all are for 5 gallons of water, I can do the math as to how much more to use. Just not sure many gallons of the mix to give each plant. Had a buddy who...
  10. Dr. Treez84

    Mold and deer. My two biggest enemies

    All a dog hair proves is that your dog walked by the plants... unless they found your hair, there's no proof you own the plants and you can't get in trouble...
  11. Dr. Treez84

    Preparing for 2014 season. Advice, opinions

    How many gallons of water should that be mixed with? And how much do you give each plant
  12. Dr. Treez84

    Help with soil mix/nutrients

    Ok, I know a lot of people on here have used supersoil before so thought it would be a good place to ask. I've done a lot reading and it says not put immature plants straight into Super Soil. However, my plants are 24" tall and I'm going to be transplanting them outside and flipping them into...
  13. Dr. Treez84

    Humboldt14 2014 Outdoor Grow

    Have you ever used super soil? or do you have better success mixing your own nutes? Also, how much space do you put between your plants
  14. Dr. Treez84

    Outdoor/Light Dep Season 2014 in Norcal

    It said you vegged them for 30 days before you set them outside I believe? Did they root the 5gal before you transplanted
  15. Dr. Treez84

    Outdoor/Light Dep Season 2014 in Norcal

    How long did it take them to root the 25gal? In the process of designing a greenhouse to hoop right now. Trying to decide how big to make it and the size of smart pots to use
  16. Dr. Treez84

    Help with light dep

    Thanks, I'm following yours along with one other. But Yes, I'm in the process of building two PVC greenhouses.(will post pictures when done) one 20x60 and one 16x48. Going to make one a full season greenhouse with 200gal pots and one for light dep. Want to see if two light deps or one full...
  17. Dr. Treez84

    doublejj's Big 2014 light dep greenhouse adventure.....

    Do you think you will produce more with the two light deps rather than one monster season?
  18. Dr. Treez84

    Help with light dep

    Yes i plan on using Super Soil. With such a short run, having it be only 8-12 weeks, would I be better off with all base soil and mixing my own nutes or will 50/50 SS be fine? Also, why tan pots instead of black?
  19. Dr. Treez84

    doublejj's Big 2014 light dep greenhouse adventure.....

    Ok, I want to do a light dep as well but have been debating on the size of the greenhouse to get because of having to pull the tarp. Building something on the inside is a good idea though, just may have to try and design that. Are you vegging more plants now to do a second light dep before...
  20. Dr. Treez84

    Outdoor/Light Dep Season 2014 in Norcal

    Why only use 15 gal smart pots for the light dep, instead of 50 or 100gal? Will the roots not use the whole pot in two months