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  1. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    oh ok! Lol im in art history and we just went over baroque, rococo, bourgeois realism, neo classicism, and romanticism. personally, not a big fan of the rococo, its too..... fluffy and stylized
  2. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    everyone I know who doesnt know french said it sounds like alot of ah, ey, frou frou sounds. even now it throws me off when people speak in french, im a better reader and writer, but also, they speak way way way too fast. Im not fluent so I recognize words and phrases, however, i cant do fast...
  3. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    how the fuck do you learn or even read that? everything sounds the same and the spelling using semi latin letters throws me off
  4. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    excuse me if I am wrong, but I was of the impression lolita came from victorian era? however the most paintings you posted are from the 18th century, im leaning towards rococo, though the detail in the dresses themselves tends toward the disegno, so maybe its late late late baroque.
  5. Urca

    Muslim prayer room wanted for Catholic University.

    Im thinking he's meaning that there should be no relgious influence in law, whether it be islamic law or christian principles. Law should remain secular and not be made based off of religious values
  6. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    ow exactly does that sound spoken?
  7. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    thats a pretty good pick up line
  8. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    ah ok! makes sense now
  9. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    either that or im too high
  10. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    did you use google translate cause that doesnt seem right
  11. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    um, i did post a lacy bra pic way way way back, you're not alone kuroi
  12. Urca

    Fucking Snow

    basically its a valley in the middle of ca. its one of the most fertile places, we grow cherries, almonds, walnuts, asparagus, etc. Also lots of violent crime in the cities and highest forclosure rate in the country for a while
  13. Urca

    Fucking Snow

    90 miles east, google stockton
  14. Urca

    Fucking Snow

    im not in san fran, im in the central valley. we dont get snow, we get constant rain
  15. Urca

    Fucking Snow

    its just barely starting to get cold out here in cali, i feel like its gonna be a hell of a winter though, usually if it gets cold this late, its gonna be rainy and cold until early june
  16. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    Just curious, know alot of people on here speak another language, but who knows french on here?
  17. Urca

    Why do they call it a roach clip?

    english carne, i only speak some french and of course english. spanish is a no no for me
  18. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    cheers. ..............
  19. Urca

    Yeah, I like older men.

    this isnt my thread, i didnt even bring up that i was a virgin
  20. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?