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  1. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    This plant suppose to finish in 5-7 weeks so i think it will be nearly ready in 2 weeks
  2. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    So to be clear u r telling me put it under 24/7 light chop some leaves and top it right ? And after 2 weeks i can harvest it and dry it right ?
  3. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    Im sorry if it seems like i ignored you but im struggling cooking, reading and replying at the same time
  4. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    I just stoped the light timer ill keep it under light 24/7 but i dont know what u exactly mean by open it up do u have a video that can help ?
  5. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    As i mentioned the climate here is pretty harsh to take it out. I been thinking it over for a while and im 95% sure that harvest is the best option i just need to time it correctly and see how many days i need to dry and if i should freez it after or not
  6. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    I thought of that earlier but the local weather is on avg 38-40c and hum around 60% it get to 35c at best during the night
  7. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    May the god listen to your words and let the plant finish. You really gave me some hope. The humidity packs sound good. Do i need to put the jar on the fridge if i got the humidity packs
  8. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    If there was anyway to harvest when i get back ill do it at any cost. Unfortunately that is just impossible. I cant leave cfl light, fan and AC on for 2 weeks it is just not safe
  9. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    if it was ever up to me i would chose the crop. I mean what kind of trips cant wait few weeks but its urgent matter wasnt even in the plan a month ago. Anyway i have 18 days from today im planning 13 to grow and 5 to dry and the ill jar it and put it in the freezer untill i come back
  10. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    I will be away from the second to the 17th of jul with no one to look after it
  11. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    i know and it really break my heart. I have worked very hard crafting evey thing by my self including the grow tent and spent tons of money. I was expicting much better yeild but im stuck with this urgent trip to the uk with no one look after it. My flight is on the second of jul
  12. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    Hello guys I plant this auto kush on the 10th of Apr and it started flowring 3 weeks ago The website where i bought the seed say it take 30-40 days of flowering ( very fast strain) Now if u look at the pics u well see it is not any where near finishing ( i would say it needs another month ) but...
  13. Roocky

    Help white stuff on my soil !!

    Thanks for all the help guys
  14. Roocky

    Help white stuff on my soil !!

    Ya i think it is an prganic soil ill remove the fungus and see how it goes
  15. Roocky

    Help white stuff on my soil !!

    Ya i think i watered it earlier this week i removed the top layer ill hope it never grow again
  16. Roocky

    Help white stuff on my soil !!

    Hum is around 50% and temp around 26-29 mostly what can i do to get rid of it
  17. Roocky

    Help white stuff on my soil !!

    Hello i just opened my tent today to find this on my soil what is it and what can i do about it? Could it be harmfull for my baby Pls help
  18. Roocky

    Help somthing wrong with my plant

    hello guys few days ago i noticed one of the leafs dried and died and i ignored it Now my l plant having more like it what can i do it looks like the whole plant having a hard time It is 6 weeks old on pre flowering Auto Water it every 3 days ph 6.8 nothing unusual Pls help
  19. Roocky

    Should i remove some branches

    Ok i think it was a bad idea thanks all for help it just takeing forever to start flowering
  20. Roocky

    Should i remove some branches

    hello guys i have looked into my plant development and i noticed that in every level it has 2 branches. one has few small leafs and one has only one large leaf ( if u look at pics u will see what im talking about ) My question is can i remove the large leafs ? if i did will it help the plant...