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  1. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    Thia sound good and simple but what is the best way to freez them ? In zip bags ? Jars ? Or
  2. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    Ok what about drying it completely. If i hang them for 3 days then crush them and dry it again would it still mold ?
  3. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    Do you think it is better to store them in the fridge in bag or jar?
  4. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    This website doesnt ship to my country Is it available on amazon ?
  5. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    I thought so if i set my fridge at 8c i think it will not affect it too much. It may make it taste bad but it will not ruin it
  6. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    Thanks a lot fox this sounds like a good plan but do you think it will still not rot in 40 dgree c ?
  7. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    Could you please send me a link where i can buy it i would really love to have one
  8. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    If they are going to smell a lot i think it is going to be a problem. I have a big wooden box do u think hanging them for 5 days and the hang them in the box for 2 weeks temp40c hr66% would rot them ?
  9. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    Yes im the guy who asked few days ago. Unfortunately, leaveing the plant while im gone is not an option trust me i know how hot my room will get without AC I read that if you dry your buds enough you can keep them cool in the fridge and when you take them out they will still the same isnt that...
  10. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    Im not home now i may post pics later at night. But i dont see any need for it. its just few grams not huge amount
  11. Roocky

    Need expert advice on curing and jaring

    Hello guys My plant is on week 4 of flowring and i have to harvest it in 10 days i know its early but im travilling for 2 weeks and i have no choice. the problem is i have only 5 days to dry and jar my buds and bcz i dont completely understand curing and have no previous experience with it i...
  12. Roocky

    need expert advice on curing and jaring

    I really dont prefer to leave the fan on while im gone its going to be 2 weeks and it is not safe to leave any electronics on I am not looking for ideal product. Im looking for a solution that is safe for the house and the buds. And will give me avg quality product Its actually an avg of 36 its...
  13. Roocky

    need expert advice on curing and jaring

    In Indoor tent
  14. Roocky

    need expert advice on curing and jaring

    It wasnt actually a plan its a trip for urgent medical matter. The humidity here is around 60-70 with avg tem of 36c im afraid that it will rot If i didnt harvest it
  15. Roocky

    need expert advice on curing and jaring

    Hello guys My plant is on week 4 of flowring and i have to harvest it in 10 days i know its early but im travilling for 2 weeks and i have no choice. the problem is i have only 5 days to dry and jar my buds and bcz i dont completely understand curing and have no previous experience with it i...
  16. Roocky

    Do marijuana absorb light equally on the underside of their leaves

    hello i was trying to relocate my cfl lamps so my plant can have more direct light every where but i was wondering if leaves right above the light will absorb it or do i need another one above it And what is optimal the range between the leaf and cfl lamp Thanks
  17. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    The temperature and humidity will kill it without AC
  18. Roocky

    Need expert advice ( pic included )

    Thanks a lot that shall be done