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  1. M

    small guerilla grow in the tri state area (usa for those who dont know)

    I dont know why the pics are sideways because they werent when i uploaded them..
  2. M

    small guerilla grow in the tri state area (usa for those who dont know)

    5 swiss cheese and 2 unknown all flowering. One swiss cheese is over 6ft tall.
  3. M

    how safe is it using these types of forums?

    Now how the hell would i know?
  4. M

    how safe is it using these types of forums?

    Well thats good to hear! Perhaps ill share a small guerilla grow with everyone. Swiss cheese(ones 6ft +). The location is North eastern US so theyre flowering:)
  5. M

    how safe is it using these types of forums?

    Has anyone been busted using sites like this? Wouldnt it be easy to track yhe user?
  6. M

    what the F is going on?!

    How big are mites? I honestly didnt look super close for tiny incects. Its feet away from a 6ft tall swiss cheese that is like a month in to flowering flowering and it is georgous. That one is almost impeccable other than a few very small dying brown spots on the bottom like that shit plant. I...
  7. M

    what the F is going on?!

    How could it be bud rot when it showed face over a month before flowering even started? Bud rot is mushy and has spores, this doesnt.
  8. M

    what the F is going on?!

    Come on people. What caused this to happen?
  9. M

    what the F is going on?!

    I know its toast but i want to know why this happened to one plant out of 5 and the others are very healthy except for a few small spots that have that going on. The spots on the good ones are small and i dont want it to spread!
  10. M

    what the F is going on?!

    Theres a few swiss cheese ladies, one went south a while ago and is dead looking but alive still. I cant save it but a few bud sites on the others have similar symptoms. The pics are the plant thats done and spots on the good one. What causes this? *note* how do i post the pics?