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  1. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    In some states felons can vote if not on parole or probation. 7 votes? Youre kidding i hope because im sure thats just out of your group of friends. To be honest with you, i think people voting more than once or using dead relatives needs to be addressed the most
  2. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    God forbid you need to get an id and/or bring a piece of mail. This lazy attitude is why welfare is so fucking high. Get off your ass and use your head! Nobody would be losing a right, i repeat, NOBODY WOULD BE LOSING A RIGHT. I wont take the voting mandatory thing very serious because as...
  3. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    Is it really that hard to bring a photo id to the polls so you can prove who you are and get checked off a list saying you voted? This country was founded on hard work and patriotism. Not lazy fucks who cant perform a simple task to help insure an election isnt swayed. How the fuck can you ever...
  4. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    Whos throwing away votes? Those people obviously dont care much because its not rocket science
  5. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    If you truely think voter fraud doesnt happen youre a moron. Cases of it have been caught dickface
  6. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    There is various types of voter fraud plain and simple and some of the "voter laws" dont stop it. Thats a fact end of story not can we roll it up!!
  7. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    I think people voting multiple times and using deceased loved ones for votes is more common than illegals voting but to think illegals dont vote is silly. Theyll find a way to to get what they want or keep getting it
  8. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    Whats proof of residency, a piece of mail? In my state an illegal can have a valid drivers license aka photo id. They go down to the registrar, show their id and piece of mail, lie about not being a us citizen and sign the paper boom done. Not that hard to do
  9. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law
  10. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    Then there is this kind of fraud
  11. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    When i vote i show them my my id thats all. Not sure when i registered to vote how deep they looked in to it. How do these states work? Do you just show up and they take your word for who you are? No ID required at polling place: California, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts...
  12. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    Some states including mine an illegal can have a drivers license jerkoff. And youre gonna tell me they dont or cant vote?
  13. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    i might be dumb but im smart enough to get an id pal haha im also smart enough to want security in the election system. What is there like 50 million illegals in the usa? Hmmm i wonder who they will vote for????
  14. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    If your an adult there is no excuse not to have an id... you cant get a id but you know whos good for your state or this country? That makes perfect sense...The main thing is one vote per person and us citizens only. Theres plenty of time before elections to get one and they can be aquired free
  15. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    Anyone who wants to vote can and always will. Sometime less voters is good, ya know? Like LESS multiple votes, less illegals votes. How do you people make it through life?
  16. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    I dont care if people are too lazy/dont care enough to have/get an id. I want to know my vote counts and its not cancelled by someone voting in person, on line, and with an absente ballot or multiples of each. I dont want some liberal voting with their dead relative like last election and i dont...
  17. M

    New Wisconsin voter ID Law

    This is stupid. Why do liberals want the voting system to be wide open to fraud and why do liberals think black people arent smart enough to obtain a freakin id? If theres any black democrats on here become a conservative we will protect your vote and unlike the liberals we know youre smart...
  18. M

    good to harvest?

    As i started to read this post i read "its great white shark" and exactly during that moment the tv said great white shark too talking about an attack! How weird is that!
  19. M

    when the chopper spots a grow question

    Well i think im ok because nothing happened. I spent so much time choosing a gurilla spot nobody can find on the ground that i over looked the possibillity of a fly over
  20. M

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    No new bud porn ill try to get some tomorrow when i spray some milk. ive heard some negative talk about super skunk online but for the size these ones are they carry some nice bud!