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  1. An Oranje Canadian

    Medical Care, Will you be able to get it?

    I keep seeing this " government run healthcare is more expensive then private run healthcare" I'd like some shred of proof, because as far as I know Canadian doctors leave Canada for the US because THEY MAKE MORE MONEY. US insurance systems is all about money and greed, always has been, and...
  2. An Oranje Canadian

    Pulled over in front of grow shop

    Better question is; what state or province do you live in?
  3. An Oranje Canadian

    Medical Care, Will you be able to get it?

    I'm pretty sure most of us would like to be able to go to a doctor if we were sick or hurt. Better yet how about if your kid fell ill? I guess watching him/her die is much better then paying a higher tax.
  4. An Oranje Canadian

    Medical Care, Will you be able to get it?

    ok when you have kids and a wife, you will change your mind. better would be to get the government out of the equation? You mean anarchy, or just out of healthcare?
  5. An Oranje Canadian

    Medical Care, Will you be able to get it?

    I would rather pay a higher tax knowing I'm covered, then pay no tax at all and give my money to some fatcat insurance company. At worst if you don't need or see a doctor your taxes go to other things ie social programs which I have no problem with. Point is everyone has healthcare no matter...
  6. An Oranje Canadian

    The End of America by Naimi Wolf

    From what I read, he is articulate and proves his points well. (I've been lurking for a long time now)
  7. An Oranje Canadian

    Medical Care, Will you be able to get it?

    Healthcare is one of the main reasons I love living in Canada. Sometimes you gotta wait about an hour to see a doctor at a hospital, but clinics you can see a dr right away. Healthcare for all, poor, rich, white, black, purple, green blue whatever. Wouldn't that be nice?
  8. An Oranje Canadian

    up down select start

    Hey hows it hangin'. I've been a lurker for a long time, first post today. Cheers