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  1. Eharmony420

    getting rid of smell

    I use a tent in my apt with a charcoal filter and an ozone generator. I cycle the ozone 15 an hour and unplug it when I am in room. Ozone is cheap but it can hurt you, lol, found that out the hard way.
  2. Eharmony420

    finally got the camera working...(purple urkle)

    lets see a whole table pic! a standing back shot. ty. i read al too, but i gots one table in rw. lol.
  3. Eharmony420

    homebox silver,is it worth ?

    I got both my tentsoff ebay for 100 and I think like 120. I know it is cheap and you get whatyou pay for but they are nice enough. Some leaks. The little one is coated in mylar. A 4x4x6.5 and a 2x3x6 or soemthinglike that for 120 and 90 bucks each.
  4. Eharmony420

    power strips...limits?

    my box is in my bathroom. My kitchen outlets got their own so does my air so does the dishwasher and ceiling lights. The other outlets are all on the same breaker. Which with the addition of my 600 and 400 I think means extenson cords.
  5. Eharmony420

    OK.. Last Time.. Rockwool or Jiffy Peat Pellets?

    the first time I cloned I used a coffee can and an airstone. It worked perfect. Then I tried rw, i did everything right I though but weigh the cubes. I lost like 30 clones:(. Now i got an eroa cloner I made but the only clone I got is pretty damn old. So I have to say that I am impressed with...
  6. Eharmony420

    Underground Grow Room Idea

    wow, that's killer. :)
  7. Eharmony420

    Med dispensary

    I am good for a stroll. Lol.
  8. Eharmony420

    Cooltube Vs Easycool Vs Eurocool Reflectors .. And the winner is...

    i got my 6 inch vortex fan at HIDHUT for likr 100 dollars. It is nice. I use it to cool htg's euro hood. It was the answer. I tried everything before,including a duct fan and fan on bulb and nothing. The euro hood and big fan dropped my temps to room temp or cooler.:)
  9. Eharmony420

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    hehe, I built one of these. It worked awesome. I used recycled tire mulch as a medium and flooded for 15 min every 2 hours. Also i had to flood 2x at night or svere wilting. I have abandoned the system however due to several reasons. I had from seed so it was going to be pointless to weed...
  10. Eharmony420

    Saving a strain. reveg advice please:)

    thank you, and thank the rest. the part about the root system is killer.
  11. Eharmony420

    How can I package clones for shipping when customs will not be involved?

    San deigo dispensaries that carry clones, that's what I owuld kill for. I am talking delivery, lol.
  12. Eharmony420

    Saving a strain. reveg advice please:)

    I am in the middle of a 2 week flush. I am growing the only thing I got going on. I dont want to lose this strain or plant. I want to reveg then keep as a mother this rather nice plant. I am in rw. I have been feeding klearex for 2 days. Alll the leaves are stiill there and look pretty...
  13. Eharmony420

    weedtracker, a no go for San Deigo? (clonewise)

    So i looked all over weedtracker for clones to buy in San deigo and I could not find one. I found one but the guy cut out and he did not know blah blah blah. Lol. I read the posts and the only sd one I found had no clones but it looks like good bud delivery. Whats up with this. Pm me if you...
  14. Eharmony420

    Light bleaching, is it that bad?

    Because of my temps and my huge fan I can keep the 400 watt hood an inch or 2 above the buds. I hve light bleeching. The leves dont curl and the growth is good! I wonder is their downside besides whote looking buds? I know this may be idiotic. but hey, fire away:wall:
  15. Eharmony420

    curious, does the mogul sockett need a ground?

    my current mogul outlet has no gorund. just 2 wires heading out to an enconmy ballast I got on ebay. I wanna upgrade to a 600. I see that most cords that are cheapest or inlcuded just come with 3 wires on the receptalc end. I assume 1 is pos 1 is neg and 1 is a ground?\ Could i just wire the 2...
  16. Eharmony420

    Pure Blend Pro reveiws?

    Just dragged this up off the net. I am now using pure blend pro grow, bloom, liquid karma, hydroguard, cal mag, and klearex. Call me organic. Now I need some more enhancers. I got a little bloombastic for flower left. Any body recomend any more botanicare organic vegg enhancers and flower...
  17. Eharmony420

    Wilted seedlings:( what should I do.

    I ahve got some wilted seedlings. I left them unwatered while I went out. They dried out. I watered them and the stlks picked back up. They are still alive. But the leaves are wilted and dried out. They are basically dead but still green. any suggestions? Leaves alone and let slowly rebuild...
  18. Eharmony420

    root mass/root bound question...

    they will grow better if you start small then gradually get bigger pots. there is a reason for this, it is cool. the roots if put in a big pot will just grow long and stringy as they have no obstruction. your plant wont be that good. if you start small you will fill up the cup. The roots...
  19. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww real bad news. WILTING< DYING> BAD. i went out today for work. I thought they were watered good. I came back and they were wilted all down. now wait. i have had wilting before. they recovered. after 8-12 hours. well almost all the way. 1 will def...
  20. Eharmony420

    My planting tip for 16oz cups.

    use a small pan.;)