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  1. L

    Central air intake vent...?

    It seems these vents are actually called "return vents", and I was able to find the answer I was looking for: "Every home and building that uses forced hot air for heating purposes will have return vents. The return vent, or register, is also known as an air return vent, and a cold air return...
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    Central air intake vent...?

    My grow room has an intake vent and I'm wondering if I'd be able to PULL air FROM it. I mean, I know that I can, but will it ruin/degrade the central AC/Heating for the rest of the house in any way? I ask because this is an intake vent, and I'd be forcing air the opposite way it was designed...
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    landlord checkin house, what should i do?

    It really depends on the landlord. Have they came by before? If so, what did they check? Were they anal about every room, closet, nook, cranny? If so, move them. My grandpa rents a house, and he just checked up on his renters last week. As soon as he walked in, the first thing he noticed...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Cool, thanks for the info.
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I just put all 3 NFT/Aero units together to make sure all the pieces fit and most of them were so hard to fit together, I can't imagine how tough its going to be to get them back off (for primer/glue). I think its because my PVC cutter flared the ends of the PVC pipe when I cut them, so they're...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Yo, I count 14 3/4" tees and 12 3/4" elbows on the NFT frame. The plans say 8 and 10 FYI.
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Also, what is the cfm of your fan?
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Stinkbud (or anybody or can answer), I'm having trouble finding this info within the 850+ thread, so forgive me if you've answered these questions before. The advanced search function just pointed me to this thread, not a specific page. Anyway, What is your flower room dimensions? Veg room...
  9. L

    If its not burning, it's not too close... right? (Pics)

    Well I can feel warmth, but I do not consider it hot. I LST'ed them for a couple weeks then took the strings down. The plant's forms have mostly stayed tho. But, I think that might be a reason why the middle one appears to be still growing, is because its actually just straightening back...
  10. L

    If its not burning, it's not too close... right? (Pics)

    Is this going to have any affects on the quality of the buds? My plants are tall and close to the light but none are burning. One plant is especially close - about 3 1/2 inches away from the light. I've taken a close-up of that plant and as you can see, the leaves are not burning or showing...
  11. L

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    LOL it looks like I quoted and replyed to my own post. This was meant for you: For some reason, I had it in my head that the air stone pump would have to be submerged in water thus creating additional heat. The pump is what I was worried about, not the stone itself. But does the stone heat...
  12. L

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    Also, I guess I'm not "rooting" them, just vegging them (although not even that is accurate anymore; the cycle was switched to 12 hours just tonight). Roots sprouted during their first week up top while my first grow was finishing up in the lower room.
  13. L

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    Cuttings initially go in the top room where you see 143 watts of 6500K fluorescents. When it's time for budding, they are moved to the bottom room where the 400w HPS resides. Since I do not have any plants that are budding right now, I placed my 6 cuttings in the bottom room so they could...
  14. L

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    No I don't have the schedule...? Is that something you downloaded off their website? My pump fell off my sprayers/pvc thingy (lol) last night when separating the res from the acutal unit. And in order to reattach the pump, the top must be lifted which would have pulled those roots up and...
  15. L

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    Thank you for the feedback! And I know, I know, 82 is too high. I'm pretty sure it's not direct light that's causing the high temps tho, its just my cabinet in general. Temps have gotten up to 92 before (yikes!), but usually hover around 85-89 (yeah, I know). But if it is direct light that's...
  16. L

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    For some reason, I had it in my head that the air stone pump would have to be submerged in water thus creating additional heat. The pump is what I was worried about, not the stone itself. But does the stone heat up at all?
  17. L

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    I guess since my temps are so high, adding another another pump for airstones isn't really a good idea. So my options are basically cut them or leave them... So I guess it all boils down to this: Does leaving roots fully submerged for extended periods ALWAYS create problems? Or can I get...
  18. L

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    Temp stays around 82F (unfortunately). Pump is on a 6 min cyle - 1 min on, 5 off. Water is aerated via the EZclone misters. The top tub does not sit on top of my pump. Those are 2 different size tubs, so there's plenty of room in between. The 10 gallon sits inside the 14 gallon. About 7...
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    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    I'm using liquid Karma, Pure blend pro, and Cal-mag. But trust me, its the nutes dude, not root rot. Stinkbud uses these nutes and also has brown roots. This is all Dutch Passion Blue Moonshine. I got 5 fems from attitude, grew one then cloned it. The EZclone misters aerate the water, and...
  20. L

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    These plants are semi young (30-26 days old), and are Dutch Passion (known for hermi-ing). So I don't want to stress these guys. Should I cut the roots to avoid "the funk"? Or just let them be? The brownness of the roots seen in the pics is because of the Bontanicare nutes I'm using. The...