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  1. K

    Too cold to ship seeds????? ANYONE???????

    Well...the time of year is upon us yet again...where everything is cold...and dead. This post is because im planning to order some seeds and am hoping that my seeds dont become the later...and wind up dead before they even get to me. So..that being said is it too cold to ship seeds comming from...
  2. K

    Germination techniques for optimum results??

    also, how long did your greenhouse seeds take to split and shoot a nice taproot once you put them on the paper towel?
  3. K

    Germination techniques for optimum results??

    thats usually the method i use as well. do you soak yours in water prior to putting them in the paper towels or just straigh to paper towels right out of the gate? glad to know youve had good luck with greenhouse. that actually what im getting ready to germ next. 4 of their white widow seeds and...
  4. K

    Germination techniques for optimum results??

    well...ive tried several ways of germinating my seeds...shot glass of water, paper towel method, germing straight out of peat pellets. and have have successes as well as failures with all of the here is my question. what techniques do you guys use and to what actual germination...
  5. K

    Free seeds--

    hey! how are you guys' germination rate from the seeds that youve ordered from the single seed depot???
  6. K

    White widow breeder question

    nice! anyone else care to input as well???
  7. K

    White widow breeder question

    awsome! thanks for the info/advice!!! beautiful crop youve got going! im jelous of both the crop and the grow room! lol! very nice set up! great looking plants! and youre right...they do have some MASSIVE kolas!!!!! awsome work man!
  8. K

    White widow breeder question

    lol! glad to know im not the only one! i know the strain was orriginally developed by the wonderful guys at Green House..but from what i understand the F1 was taken by a former employee when he left and thereby leaving them with f2's..again..this is merely hearsay and please for the love of god...
  9. K

    White widow breeder question

    Hey guys...this post is more of a poll but still a question rolled into it. It seems as if every single main seedbank out there has a "White Widow" strain to offer. Some clain thc levels of 15% and some have thc levels listed up to 25%. Some say their strain is mostly indica and conversely some...
  10. K

    tap root "stalled"

    anyone have any thoughts/suggestions????
  11. K

    tap root "stalled"

    ive germed a fem white widow seed from greenhouse in a peat pellet. i started it on paper towels then moved it to the peat when the taproot cracked its shell. i also have a arjans strawberry haze from greenhouse that i germed at the same time as well. the haze and shot down its taproot and looks...
  12. K

    tears/small eaten areas on leaves please help!

    shes about 3 1/2 inches tall. but extremely lush, as i topped her above her 2nd true node about a week and a half ago. and it is day 13 of true veg (after 2nd set of leaves started) ive been following the feeding schedule for all of the nutes im giving it to the t and actually going a little on...
  13. K

    tears/small eaten areas on leaves please help!

    my little girl (into 2nd true week of veg growth) looked absolutely fine yesterday..and today she still does, except for the fact that on 3 leaves there are small holes as if they have been eaten by insects! now its pretty cold by now here in tn so most insects have burrowed for the winter or...
  14. K

    Fox Farm's feeding schedule adjustment for indoor growing?

    do you think the Botanicare Liquid Karma as well as the Humbolt's Oneness would be enough protection from nute burn and salt accumulation if i upped the ammount of nutes from FF's feeding schedule guide?
  15. K

    Fox Farm's feeding schedule adjustment for indoor growing?

    im growing in soil as well, fox farm ocean forrest to be exact. how much do you normall run for the veg as well as for flowering of the Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom? im also using 5 gal containers as well. in addition to the FF trio i also use Botanicare Sweet as well as Liquid Karma from...
  16. K

    Fox Farm's feeding schedule adjustment for indoor growing?

    ok cool! thanks for the info!
  17. K

    Fox Farm's feeding schedule adjustment for indoor growing?

    i was wondering about the adjustments to the fox farm feeding schedule for the grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom as well as for their solubles. according to FF, the chart is set up on a 12 week indoor grow, but since the strain im growing is an indica dom plant and has a shortened growing cycle...
  18. K

    FF's feeding schedule for indoor growing

    i was wondering about the adjustments to the fox farm feeding schedule for the grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom as well as for their solubles. according to FF, the chart is set up on a 12 week indoor grow, but since the strain im growing is an indica dom plant and has a shortened growing cycle...
  19. K

    seed issues with worldwide seed distributors. no germ!

    Again...your comfort level and what offends you doesn't concern me in the least. And again...just because someone is a senior member doesn't mean they can't also be an asshole. And its people who are assholes to people who are seeking knowledge that ruin sites for other people. Again...your...
  20. K

    seed issues with worldwide seed distributors. no germ!

    Lol!!! Please xplain to me how saying someone is a smartass when they clearly are being one is out of line? Lol! I honestly don't care if it offends you in any way shape form or fashion. It wasn't directed towards you...though if you had responded that way it would have been. And...