White widow breeder question


Hey guys...this post is more of a poll but still a question rolled into it. It seems as if every single main seedbank out there has a "White Widow" strain to offer. Some clain thc levels of 15% and some have thc levels listed up to 25%. Some say their strain is mostly indica and conversely some say their is mostly sativa...though it seems to mostly be indica dominant across the board with 60%/40% indica/sativa split. So my question is a simple one and is this.....WHO HAS THE BEST STRAIN FOR CONISEUR QUALITY WHITE WIDOW??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys...this post is more of a poll but still a question rolled into it. It seems as if every single main seedbank out there has a "White Widow" strain to offer. Some clain thc levels of 15% and some have thc levels listed up to 25%. Some say their strain is mostly indica and conversely some say their is mostly sativa...though it seems to mostly be indica dominant across the board with 60%/40% indica/sativa split. So my question is a simple one and is this.....WHO HAS THE BEST STRAIN FOR CONISEUR QUALITY WHITE WIDOW??
Yes, thank you for your clarification, i'm sure there was only 1 true White Widow strain that won the cannabis cup in 1996. I bought mine from marijuana-seeds.nl because the Netherlands is where the cannabis cup is held, yes? I'd be interested in the response from some of you expert breeders. I hate the fact that the seed banks descriptions contradict each other and then claim to have the true strain. Will the real white widow please stand up?


Well-Known Member
Yes, thank you for your clarification, i'm sure there was only 1 true White Widow strain that won the cannabis cup in 1996. I bought mine from marijuana-seeds.nl because the Netherlands is where the cannabis cup is held, yes? I'd be interested in the response from some of you expert breeders. I hate the fact that the seed banks descriptions contradict each other and then claim to have the true strain. Will the real white widow please stand up?
In my avatar is Dutch Passion WW. Yield is great and she grows very easy. Monster cola production.

I've seen some other WW's but so far I'm sticking with the DP.

I got ten under 2000w three weeks into flower right now. So far so good.

Here is a shot close to harvest. She only grew for half of the season. I put her outside on 7/1/09 and harvested mid October. Very easy to grow.

Here is a shot only three weeks into the grow as an indoor.



Yes, thank you for your clarification, i'm sure there was only 1 true White Widow strain that won the cannabis cup in 1996. I bought mine from marijuana-seeds.nl because the Netherlands is where the cannabis cup is held, yes? I'd be interested in the response from some of you expert breeders. I hate the fact that the seed banks descriptions contradict each other and then claim to have the true strain. Will the real white widow please stand up?
lol! glad to know im not the only one! i know the strain was orriginally developed by the wonderful guys at Green House..but from what i understand the F1 was taken by a former employee when he left and thereby leaving them with f2's..again..this is merely hearsay and please for the love of god dont quote me as stating the above as fact...as i said...HEARSAY. but yes...it would be great to know what other people think as far as who has the best Widow...and to clarify...im not on a hunt for the orriginal white widow...just the best. whether that be from the orriginal strain or not. its definately hard to beat the photos that people have from Green House's strain (as well as the photos green house has themselves on their site for the strain)


In my avatar is Dutch Passion WW. Yield is great and she grows very easy. Monster cola production.

I've seen some other WW's but so far I'm sticking with the DP.

I got ten under 2000w three weeks into flower right now. So far so good.

Here is a shot close to harvest. She only grew for half of the season. I put her outside on 7/1/09 and harvested mid October. Very easy to grow.

Here is a shot only three weeks into the grow as an indoor.

awsome! thanks for the info/advice!!! beautiful crop youve got going! im jelous of both the crop and the grow room! lol! very nice set up! great looking plants! and youre right...they do have some MASSIVE kolas!!!!! awsome work man!

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
awsome! thanks for the info/advice!!! beautiful crop youve got going! im jelous of both the crop and the grow room! lol! very nice set up! great looking plants! and youre right...they do have some MASSIVE kolas!!!!! awsome work man!

i think mr.nice has the orignal ww gentics.... the real deal:blsmoke:
this is an interesting subject ive been reading about for a few days now. Ive heard quite a bit on the topic(alotta bullshit too) and what I say here is speculative and I could def be wrong. Ive heard the greenhouse story and arjan still swears the originals at greenhouse(their pic does look nice...regardless ive heard mixed things about greenhouse from will never buy to swearing by their strains, and strainhunters was pretty cool i thot...ill know for myself before too long ive got some alaskan ice, ams, and strawberry haze goin from them) and the supposed employee who left was shantibaba who went on to form mr nice seeds(and whether thats true or not mr nice seeds is worth lookin into they have some great lookin strains). --i apologize for sentences that are a damn paragraph.
but alas, as kushy said, I am more so looking for the best out there now(it has been over ten years since the original came out). Ive heard black widow is supposed to be an improvement, but again who knows(if someones grown it...let us know!)
I think id be intrigued, for my own curiosity, to do a test grow with as many different versions of WW, grow them all the same, and then have like maybe ten or more people try them all(not all at once! over a week or so) and record their results(but If the popular opinion is different from mine, ill still probably go with my pick lol)

great topic tho man whenever i go to search something on google i always end up here might as well just stay on this page....make it my main page. but ya thank you for bringing this up and i would still like to see a few more pages of opinions from the wonderful, knowledgeable community here.


i have seen many soo called white widow strains, and all but like 2 of them were garbadge!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Shantibaba is the breeder who created white widow v1.a, he was the guy behind all of their classic old cup winning strains. He left for whatever reasons and started mr nice. they have most of greenhouses old genetics but renamed, like medicine man is white rhino and so forth. You will notice however that greenhouse always claim to have the original and shantibabas is an "improved" version.

Then there is white widow v1.b, also created a while back, but a totally different strain. This one was bred by Ingemaar, who is from de sjamaan seedbank, there are a few article out there, where he claims to be the creator of white widow. These versions are completely different. The nirvana versions that claims to be 20% is a white widow only because that is what they have called it, and it doesn't really resemble the same plant.

It doesn't really matter too much anyways about which widow is which and who's got the authentic cup winning version. The cup is about which grower can produce the best bud for a cup, it bares no resemblance on how good it is from a growing perspective.


very good info but either way im not big on the whole white family anyways.......


yeah the russian was my fav to. though i still think its not all that


I just read a magazine (maybe Skunk) and there is a big article about the origins of White Widow and who has the best strains. I wish I could remember where it was, but it was an interesting read.


Well-Known Member
i much prefer the skunk family and the kushes!!!!!!!!
White Berry blows. I've had three guys grow it and it's very average. It could be because this strain of WB is from G13. Never been a big fan of their seed co.

Dutch Passion White Widow is great. I'm not a big counter of thc % but it's way up there and it grows extremely well.

I have some outdoor pics earlier in the thread. I hit 6oz outdoors in 100 days. Indoors is this

Not bad for 25 days.

The Kush's are nice. It's funny, from region to region everthing is different. Up in NorCal the Purp's are hot. I'm not a purp fan. Down in the OC and San Diego it's all about the Kush's. My commercial buddies grow what produces the best yield/dollar average versus space and grow time and what can be purchased by dispensaries.

They don't care what people like, they care what gets bought by the dispensareis. The Kush's are nice but they are such low yielders that the $4400 a P still isn't as profitable as the $3200 Trainwrecks or Green Crack (GC is like $4000).

Currently my favorite is probably the Green Crack. But my indoor grow is Dutch Passion WW for a lot of reasons.


White Berry blows. I've had three guys grow it and it's very average. It could be because this strain of WB is from G13. Never been a big fan of their seed co.

Dutch Passion White Widow is great. I'm not a big counter of thc % but it's way up there and it grows extremely well.

I have some outdoor pics earlier in the thread. I hit 6oz outdoors in 100 days. Indoors is this

Not bad for 25 days.

The Kush's are nice. It's funny, from region to region everthing is different. Up in NorCal the Purp's are hot. I'm not a purp fan. Down in the OC and San Diego it's all about the Kush's. My commercial buddies grow what produces the best yield/dollar average versus space and grow time and what can be purchased by dispensaries.

They don't care what people like, they care what gets bought by the dispensareis. The Kush's are nice but they are such low yielders that the $4400 a P still isn't as profitable as the $3200 Trainwrecks or Green Crack (GC is like $4000).

Currently my favorite is probably the Green Crack. But my indoor grow is Dutch Passion WW for a lot of reasons.
truly excellent info and awsome insight! reps!
so what are your reasons that you mentioned for going with the dutch passion WW??
Just an FYI, I'm growing Dinafem White widow from the Attitide Seedbank. So far the most impressive in terms of resin production.

Descriptions of strains I've flowered(for reference) (1000w HPS):

Dinafem WW: Verry sweet fruity smell. Large top buds. Flowered mine at 1ft tall, grew to 1.5ft during flower (ebb/flow tray). Buds are heavy, even small buds had good weight. Yield 1-1.5oz per plant. 2 months flower

OG. Kush (reserva privada, attitude seeds)
This one is very citrusy smell. Stretchy plant, bud large buds where they grow. Not as heavy as you would hope. Nice taste when smoked- nice euphoric high that turns into a sleepy high after 1hr. Grew to 2.5 ft, but yield maybe 1oz. Also a major pain in the arse to clone. Its a nice supplemental plant to have one growing large in a bubble bucket in the corner or your grow room. I wouldnt grow this plant exclusively though.

Strawberry blue: (world of seeds, attitude)
Very pungent plant smells like fuel and onions. Its crazy! Grew similar to WW except buds and yield were 35% less. Taste/smell is entirely different though. It doesnt smell sweet, like you would expect from a strain called "Strawberry Blue". Very dank, though. The high is not very stoney, maybe more creative than medicinal. 2.5-3mo flower. I reccomend if you grow this strain, do single cola. I did this experimentally to one plant instead of side branches. That plant had much larger buds and even seemed more potent.

Bubble Gum (cutting from friend, heirloom strain supposedly from his cousin in Indiana)
Bears the most resemblance to WW. Smell is sweet. Actually does smell like bubble gum! Tastes kind of berry-ish. The mose noticable thing about these buds is just how COVERED in crystals they are. Larger trichomes in relation to WW, though the WW had more coverage overall. BG yield is just slightly less than WW grown in the same fashion. Has a slightly zippier(tangier?) odor than WW.