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  1. delude16

    Chewwys outdoor grow,Poison Durban Clones(PICS)

    congrats on t he grow..its lookin real good.."Hey man if you get a male, just cut off the sacs and feed it birth conrtol"!!..Honestly i never heard of something so stupid!!haha..well man good luck!!:peace:
  2. delude16

    My First Grow.OUTDOOR.!!With Pics!!

    Thats about the craziest thing i have ever heard!!...birth control pills...hahah!! That cracks be up..dont you think if that worked people would be doing it to all there males!!
  3. delude16

    The Speaker Project

    Its lookin good..keep up the good work!!:joint:
  4. delude16

    MY FIRST GROW (hydro closet setup)

    Dr.shak, Just wanted to give you props on your grow!..its lookin really good.Question though? The one pot with two plants, are you going to split them up so theres no problems in the future!