The Speaker Project


Active Member
I got a seed from my friend 3 days ago. Today it has sprouted and it is looking beautiful:hump:
My setup is a speaker with 2 9w cfl's and 2 23w cfl's totaling 4700 lumens . There are 3 pc fans inside: one at the bottom fanning fresh air in and two at the top that remove the hot air from the speaker. Even with the fans, im still having heat problems, temperature raises to 37 degrees Celsius but the little seedling seems to like it. Do u guys think the temp can be a major problem?
I added a webcam in the speaker for quick monitoring. Its a shitty one so i will replace it soon with a better one
Webcam pic from inside, quality isnt good but it will be replaced.

This is my first grow so i need all the help i can get. Since i only got one seed, do you guys know of any method to determine sex before flowering? or even increase the odds of it being a female?
Also, as a experiment i've rooted a leaf. It's been alive for almost 4 weeks now and has grown a little. The purpose of this experiment is to see if it will grow any nodes.

Here are some pictures, sorry about the quality, im going to buy a digital camera soon.

This is the rooted leaf, the pic was taken 2 weeks ago

The speaker

The seedling and the leaf

The seedling


Active Member
i finally got a digital camera. its SICK, check out the pics

the seedling

inside pic

Oh Btw, feel free to drop a comment or two :D
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Active Member
Day4- My friend, whom i got the seed from, told me that its Cinderella 99. I've researched the strain a little bit and know what i should expect. Also, because it is only one seed, there is a chance of it being a male. I've gotten two clones from a unknown female plant from bagseed that is VERY potent and doesnt smell AT ALL. If the seed ends up being a male, i will sex it with the clone and get some seeds. Also, the seed is auto flower so the seeds that i get from it will probably be auto too.

As you can see, the leaf is dying but that isnt the focal point of this grow. Here is the seedling

And here are the two clones

And cmon guys, drop some feedback. I have no idea why absolutely nobody is saying anything :cry:


Active Member
its working great. the temperature sometime increases to 39 but the plant doesnt seem to mind it at all as i see no burns or yellowing going on.
The speaker project wont produce alot, but everything i grow and will grow is for personal purposes and not intended for selling.

il post some pics sometime today, the plant grew ALOT :D


Well-Known Member
Yo man you need to get that tinfoil out of that box before you burn holes in your seedling. Get some mylar or panda film. I dont think C99 is an autoflowerer but good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
hey mate,

how is the girl doing? (hoping its a girl)

no pics came up on the last post ya made,


Active Member
@ dantheman1985: the dimensions of the speaker are -20cm height
-11cm length
-6.5cm width
Currently one, maybe i will add more if i scrog it

@ Fyfe: the girl(i hope) is doing fine. It looks very healthy, no signs of yellowing or deficiencies. I dont know what is wrong, try looking at the pictures now. On my computer i can see them perfectly.

Can anybody see the pictures i've posted in my last post?


Well-Known Member
how much is mylar and panda film and where can i get those?
You can get them online or at any hydro store. A cheap alternative to mylar I've seen is the space blankets for emergencies. You know those really reflective materials that people use for blankets. I've heard those are mylar but I've also heard that if they are one way they let out heat. The other way holds it in so that your body stays warm. You'd have to figure it out so that your cab doesnt get crazy hot. You could also get some flat white paint and paint the inside of your box if you wanted. But youd have to let it cure for a few days.


Active Member
thanks for the info. Im going to get mylar within a week.

The kid's been growing likke crazy lately and showing signs flowering.. i think its auto. If it actually is auto, how do i take clones if i cant control the veg n flower period?