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  1. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    I had to look at my log..LOL I usually water them every 4-5 definitely not every 3 days! :P They are not on a "Schedule" more, me sticking my finger in the soil and seeing if there is still some moisture in there. So hopefully it's not the root rot like you guys might be suggesting. :/
  2. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Ok, can I just use Hydrogen Peroxide I buy at the drug store? or is Dynamo saying I need "3% corner store or 29% hydro store" I don't really know what that means if it's a brand or whatever, but I found the 29% H202 at an online hydro store.. Thanks again for the help Roger! :)
  3. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Oh, what is Benies?
  4. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Thanks for the replies guys..I'll get it up and out of the water. Normally they are pretty dry when I water them. But I've learned to not wait until they are bone dry because then the water runs right through them. I probably shouldn't have watered them yesterday as they were still moist but...
  5. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Thanks for the reply Roger! I haven't used any cal-mag nutes, I'm on city water..not sure what the iron content is. I watered earlier before your last reply to the thread. I watered with a heavy feeding according to the bottle was 4 teaspoons/gallon of the Tiger Bloom. I PH'd the water, It...
  6. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Thanks everybody thus far for your input! Very much appreciated! :clap: Thanks for that image..It is looking most like a phosphorous issue.
  7. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Here's a few pics of the plants. I usually take off the bad leaves when I see them. I'm not sure if this is right or not..but the guy at the grow shop says if the leaf is dying it's better to take it. So that's what I do. Would it be beneficial for me to flush them?
  8. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Well, the PH is generally not that big of a fluctuation, it's generally around 6.3-6.6, I just checked my log from when I water. I usually keep track of what the PH is. So would Fox Farms Tiger Bloom be good to water them with? Should I just use what's recommended on the bottle? It's a cool...
  9. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    So I have 5 plants in my vegging tent, and three of them are having issues with the leaves. One of them is worse than the other 2...I"m growing 2 different strains and I noticed it's both of the strains, not just limited to one. What I don't understand is the two other healthy plants that are...
  10. Jlynn83

    My first grow!

    They look healthy! Look forward to seeing more pics as they get bigger and start to bud! I saw you have some white widow in there! Back in the day I grew some WW and it was the shit! What kind of light do you have on them now?
  11. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Just wanted to post an update! They are now 4 weeks and 2 days into flowering! It's been a week since I posted the last pictures. Anybody have any idea how much these girls might yield?
  12. Jlynn83

    duplicate thread..sorry..mods please delete..

    shoot...just realized this posted twice and can't figure out how to delete this thread. I'm such a noob...sorry guys.. :(
  13. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Now we are up to date...These were taken yesterday and a few from today! They have been flowering for 3 weeks and 2 days as of today! :) 5-2 Watered Flowering Room with 1 tsp Dyna-Zyme, 1 TB Fox Farm Big Bloom, 2 tsp Tiger Bloom, and 1 tsp Blackstrap Molasses. Didn’t need to use PH Down...
  14. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Girls have been flowering for 17 days in these pics. It's crazy how much progress they make in 4 days!! :D
  15. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    These are pics taken from April 22nd..(These are the Tutankhamon and 1 Ayuhuasca Purple) in these pictures they are 8 1/2 weeks. These are about half of the plants. We started the Tutankhamon and 1 Ayuhuasca to flower. These were the tallest of all the girls. The others will remain in veg for...
  16. Jlynn83

    duplicate thread..sorry..mods please delete..

    Duplicate Thread, sorry.. :/
  17. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Hey Y'all! Just wanted to start a journal! This is my first grow. Well, It's been over 15+ years since I grew (God that makes me feel old!! haha! I'm calling it my first! :P Setup: I've got 2 tents, one 4x4 for vegging, and a 5x5 for flowering. In the Vegging tent I've got an...
  18. Jlynn83

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey y'all! Just thought I'd say hi! I'm new to the forums and I'm about to start my first grow journal! Currently I'm growing Tutankhamon, Ayuahuasca Purple, and Sugar Black Rose! :) This is my first grow, in shoot..15 years..LOL I had a rough start but I think they are doing alright now! I...