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  1. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    I'll try and do a bit more research on that today and see what I can find! Thanks! :) Yeah, I dunno, that's just something that I read. I mean, I have a 1000w HPS plugged into it as well as an inline fan, and another fan..Maybe it's just a POS timer...LOL
  2. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    I just looked up that mainlining..that's pretty cool! That was what we were going for with the topping, but they don't look like that..kinda similar though, cuz each plant has like 6 or more tops! After these two batches are done, I think I'm going to go down to 4 plants vegging and 4...
  3. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Yeah, they probably slept for 20 hours, now the light will be on for 4 hours then off for 12. Oh boy...Well it's done this before and it didn't seem to effect them much...This is the third time like I said..After doing a bit of reading in the forums, I think maybe the timer has too much stuff...
  4. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Those are a little different then what I've seen! Definitely cost effective though! Thanks for the link!
  5. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Thanks for the reply! So you didn't top them at all? Definitely sounds similar! I made the mistake when first planting these girls (Planted 11 at the same time) I put them in plain potting soil I got from the nursery. I put in a little bit of nutrients (dry nutrients in a bag, can't even...
  6. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    I do have a carbon filter in there! It's a Vivosun 6" carbon filter.. It's pretty dry where I live...even in my tent when I have them vegging with a humidifier running on high it only gets up to the high 40%..LOL and that's a 4X4 tent! in the 5X5 tent I had two humidifiers running and I never...
  7. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Went in there this morning and the stupid light wasn't on...I have my lights set for 9pm-9am..I went to bed before the lights went on and I'll be damned if when I woke up the lights weren't on. I think maybe I have a faulty timer or something because this is the third time since they've been...
  8. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Thanks! Humidity level is at 26%...I had a humidifier in there..but I worry about mold and stuff like that..So I only leave the humidifier in the vegging room! :)
  9. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    How do you like the bags? I was just looking at them on Amazon and Vivosun has a pack of 5 -10 gallon for $30..
  10. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Thanks for the reply Roger!. Next time we want to try and scrog i think.. If using a 10 gallon bucket, do you have to veg for longer than normal to gain that 25-30% more?
  11. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Thanks! :D
  12. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Honestly I haven't been giving them any nitrogen since about 2 weeks after flipping the switch. Should I add that to their nutes? Would I just add a little bit of the Dyna-Foliage Pro I was using when they were vegging? I have been giving them molasses, about 1 tsp/gallon of the blackstrap...
  13. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Thanks! I was having nitrogen deficiency issues before I put them into flower...I tried to get them back on track before flipping them over, but I don't think it was fully taken care of. Hopefully it doesn't mess em up..I pluck leaves off of them everyday..leaves that are yellowing and falling...
  14. Jlynn83

    Are they on track?

    Hey guys! So I'm just curious as to how my girls are doing? I started them from seed back on Feb. 23rd. They are Ayuahuasca Purple (just 1 of them) and Tutankhamon (an ak47 strain)...Anyways, I flipped them to 12/12 a little over 5 weeks ago and they didn't really start showing signs of...
  15. Jlynn83

    1st Grow, Tutankhamon and Ayahuasca Purple, advice/comments welcome! :)

    Update time! :) They are now 5 weeks into flower. About another 3 weeks to go. They seemed to have slowed down. Not sure if that's normal or not. Would love some input!
  16. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Just wanted to update...the Plants look like they are doing better. I see a few leaves that are starting to show signs but it doesn't seem as bad. I think using the Tiger Bloom helped. Before the lights shut off, here in a few hours I'm going to spray them with a foliar spray of Tiger Bloom...
  17. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    That sounds like a good product from what it said on the website. They are out of stock though. It took me awhile to find it! LOL every time I googled "T.I.T." It was stuff about Breast enhancement pills and what not! LOL I finally typed in "T.I.T. Nutrients" and it came up!
  18. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Thanks for the tip Buba! That sounds like a pretty good idea!
  19. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    LOL I did water with the bloom nutes which is 8% I'm hoping I will at least see some improvement with that...So far I don't see it on any other leaves..Hopefully that took care of it..*Fingers crossed* :)
  20. Jlynn83

    Need Help, Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Did you just use a cal-mag supplement then? I haven't ever used that before. Did you use it as a foliar spray or did you just add it in with your water?