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  1. D

    How to LST Properly, Help?

    Hey guys, basically i am just interested on how to LST as i am wanting maximum amount of big bud as possible If you have anything to say about LST then post up :D
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    The Situation

    Thanks for all the advice guys, and yeah i defiantly agree with trial and error as my first grow i have learned a lot from. And trust me that was just one big ERROR haha! Oh and puffenuff, i know right.. how annoying is it when you get complete unnecessary comments haha :D Anyway guys keep...
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    The Situation

    This forum is not just for submitting data so people can learn from it. Considering there is a possible 1 million posts on this forum spread across many different topics. No thank you i do not fancy searching for my knowledge as this is a forum where people can communicate and help each other...
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    The Situation

    Hey people, i was just wondering if you guys are willing enough to share your ideas and views of growing bud as fast as possible. Basically for all you UK growers out there, i seriously do understand how hard it is to grow bud without having the police on your back. And all i want to do...
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    Okay, Advice.. Anyone?

    sorry guys i have been very busy the past few days haha! thanks for the advice :D
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    Okay, Advice.. Anyone?

    Yeah man six months hahah, it was sooo bad.. but im looking into buying a grow tent, fans and a decent light with a hood. You guys recommend anything to help me get through my next grow? :D
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    Okay, Advice.. Anyone?

    Thats exactly why im buying a sledge hammer. On a serious note though, im getting rid of that heap.. and i will defiantly go for soil. I will have to get some pictures up because it really was bad, i had them growing for 6 months too!!!
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    Okay, Advice.. Anyone?

    Okay, im not sure where to start. I originally started a grow with a aerogarden 7 set up, i had 7 plants running pretty healthy but then as the days went on and it came to harvest i ended up cutting 4 plants down due to the rest dieing.. almost all the way through my grow the leaves were...
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    What bulb to use?

    I seriously cant decide what type of bulb to use, i am trying to look for the best suitable bulb that would go good in a grow room that is 4ft long, 4 ft high and 2 ft wide thanks!
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    Plant. Plants, or more plants?

    okay man, cheers for the advice!
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    Plant. Plants, or more plants?

    how many do you think would be suitable for the space I have?
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    Plant. Plants, or more plants?

    I was just wondering, I have a space of roughly 4ft long 4ft deep and 2ft wide. Would it be best to stick to a low amount of plants to maximise there growth? or would it be better to get as many as possible within reason to get a bigger yield? Thanks :)
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    I need advice on indoor growing :)

    Sounds good to me! I havent got much room to play with though so im going to have to figure it all out.
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    I need advice on indoor growing :)

    Okay, thanks dude! I was just thinking for my grow room that I am building do you think it would be a good idea to divide it into sections so that I could have a constant cycle?
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    I need advice on indoor growing :)

    This stuff really is helping, I am definitely going to get some fans for the grow room when I am constructing it! and about the Aero Garden, I am 4 months in and the outcome is nothing compared to some plants I have seen. I am looking forward to getting rid of it and setting up a grow room! Do...
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    I need advice on indoor growing :)

    Thank you for your post, and I will eventually get some pictures of how im getting on!
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    I need advice on indoor growing :)

    Hello, I would just like to mention I have currently got a Aero Garden 7 set up and running. I have got four northern light breeds and two white widow cross breed with big bud currently growing on the system. This is my first grow and I am not really sure about the Aero Garden 7 and want to...