I need advice on indoor growing :)


Hello, I would just like to mention I have currently got a Aero Garden 7 set up and running. I have got four northern light breeds and two white widow cross breed with big bud currently growing on the system.

This is my first grow and I am not really sure about the Aero Garden 7 and want to build my own grow tent inside a cupboard that is situated in a main wall of the house. I am currently running the plants on two standard Aero Garden 7 bulbs. I haven't got anything special going on just the Aero Garden 7 sat in a cupboard and that about it.

I was just wondering if you guys could help me out with tips and advice for my project :)

Things I would like to know are the following:
Is it worth buying feminised seeds?
Is it a bad thing if a male plant is next to a female plant?
What lighting would you recommend? (LED, HALOGEN ect)
What seeds are best for maximum yeild?
What seeds are best for fast indoor growing?
Is air flow really that important?
What is the best way to grow? (HYDROPONICS, AEROPONICS, SOIL, CLAY PEBBLES)

Any additional information that you would like to add which you think would put me well on my way to success would be HIGHly appreciated!

Thank you :)


Active Member
1) Can't help you on the feminized seeds. I've never tried.
2) Yes, chop the male. Unless you plan on breeding for seeds.
3) Speculative, but HPS for flower, MH or 6500k CFL grow.
4) Big Bud seeds I've heard, but never tried.
5) Fast indoor, you'll probably want a short ryder(ruderalis?) or an indica strain.
6) yes, real important.
7) Depends. Its whatever you prefer and the style and level of participation you plan on giving your project. I myself am doing an aeroponics. But remember everyone has their own preferences, and each person has their own reasons.

Happy growing!!!

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if you guys could help me out with tips and advice for my project :)

Things I would like to know are the following:
Is it worth buying feminised seeds? Yes, if you cannot have a mother plant or access to clean clones.
Is it a bad thing if a male plant is next to a female plant? Only if you don't want seeds in your bud.
What lighting would you recommend? (LED, HALOGEN ect) Not halogen... HPS or CMH. Use google.
What seeds are best for maximum yeild? There are many. Big Bud is named appropriately. Chronic harvests very heavy also.
What seeds are best for fast indoor growing? Indica strains or AutoFlowers.
Is air flow really that important? EXTREMELY important. 80% of the plant fibers are made of carbon that they must "breathe" in. Air is as important as light and water and food.
What is the best way to grow? (HYDROPONICS, AEROPONICS, SOIL, CLAY PEBBLES) Totally up to the grower. I prefer Hydro-Organic Coco Coir soilless mixes myself. To each their own.

Any additional information that you would like to add which you think would put me well on my way to success would be appreciated!

Research, research, research. The most important piece of equipment in a new growers room is a Grow Bible.
That AeroGarden isn't going to last much longer with all those plants crammed in it.


This stuff really is helping, I am definitely going to get some fans for the grow room when I am constructing it! and about the Aero Garden, I am 4 months in and the outcome is nothing compared to some plants I have seen. I am looking forward to getting rid of it and setting up a grow room! Do LED lights sound sensible to you? and I when i get started up again I am going to go for something that auto flowers to try it out.

Thank you also for your post!

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I've never grown with LED but I don't hear much good about them other than the low heat and smaller power bill. Dollar for gram I think HID is a better idea but everyone has their own idea of what makes something "the best."


Okay, thanks dude! I was just thinking for my grow room that I am building do you think it would be a good idea to divide it into sections so that I could have a constant cycle?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Okay, thanks dude! I was just thinking for my grow room that I am building do you think it would be a good idea to divide it into sections so that I could have a constant cycle?
Only if you can keep it 100% light tight. No light leaks from the veg chamber into the flowering one. Yes, that is a good setup that many people employ.


Sounds good to me! I havent got much room to play with though so im going to have to figure it all out.