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  1. G

    First Grow

    lol kinda looks like Jack Herer
  2. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    lol my parents were down with me growing they smoke to. ima keep smoking just not as much as i used 2....i used 2 take L Rides all day buttt nowww im just gonna chill...and i think honestly a grow journal kinda made me bug out...thats one way of being just grow houses around here being...
  3. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    ohh and i found out whyyy they wernt growing as FAST. i had them Very close to the light..and was watering once every two basicly everytime i left my house. some1 in my family would shut off my light. So thats why. i just found out today.
  4. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    Yeahh i think at the start they had some problems but b4 i got rid of them They were getting HUGE. bushing out like crazy. like i said about a foot tall each. But im not taking NOOOO Risks. way to many cops around here for no reason lately...again yesterday i was followed by a undercover. and...
  5. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    Nahh they didnt Die...i've been rly sketchy lately..had 2 throw them all out...other day im and cop stops infront of my house...then 2sec later a Helicopter starts flying over my house....there's just been alot of GROW house busts and ALOT of Cops coming through my...
  6. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    Everything Died. I Quit. No More Growing For me. and i quit smoking
  7. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    Yeahhh i honestly didnt even wanna use nutes..but he was like...TRUST ME I KNOW WHAT IM i was like..alright u own a hydro store...anddd yeah he fucked me..but i've been trimming all leaves with nute burn on them and trying 2 water a LITTLE more than usual...i dont see any signs of...
  8. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    Well the other day i got to about my 4th-5th set of leaves and AGAIN Guy at hydro store told me what nutes to use...and i started to burn them pretty bad. Soo FUCK Hydro Store dudes. im doing everything my way for NOW on. ill have update of pics soon.
  9. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    Nicee..Sooo Rocks on Bottom..then soil..then rocks again?
  10. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    Above?... nahh i took off bannana cause i had a lil bug problem but i got some organic bug repel with Fish oil in it...smells bad but did a good job. I put The Rocks under it so i dont drown plants
  11. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    lol well this is my 1st time growing so im trying new things yaaknow...trial and error andd who doesnt like to Experiment once in awhile =]
  12. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    lol idk some guy who was a big time grower for some seed company [Video I saw] was talking about how it gives better chance of Female's supposingly and it helps it grow alil healthier...swear it was on a video for some seed company
  13. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    lol Yeahh when i said 2weeks i was alittle ahead of myself. im also only doing 18hrs on 6off. soo there not gettin fulltime grow.
  14. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    keepin em fluffy. sorry pics are kinda blurry. also tried out the old bannana trick =]
  15. G

    Earl's WidowCindy Grow Produced by Speedhabit

    DAMN mann my plants are gettin there =] cant wait till they get that big doin good man keep on keepin us up2date =]
  16. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    yeah im just using some normal Homedepot soil for now to start off with..being my first lack of a paycheck this pastweek haha but i just got paid. what does every1 recomend?
  17. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    Im using a t5 Slimboyzz set up. but i have clay rocks at bottom of potters so i have a drainage system going on. im using 18hrs light daily. and watering every other day. and soil looked wet cause i JUST watered them literally.
  18. G

    2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow

    Sup guys this is my first growww and heres progress so far. tell me what u think =] Advice? :joint::hump:
  19. G

    LED Panel Grow - Low Ryder #2

    Deff Scribing To this. not going to bad man..there still alive so yeah ahah. Peep my set up =]
  20. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    Ayy guys im back for a update. i've just been working alot all week tryin 2 get shit straight and my money up..but i went out and got some supplys other tell me how its going =] i have so many i also have some in some other pots haha but yeah everything seems to be going smooth...