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  1. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    Close enough?
  2. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    yeah i just did actually cause i was thinkin bout that. but idk how..they havent had any light?...
  3. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    Seems to be going better huh? lol but idk bout that Stem in the middle that just fell over? lol
  4. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    Yeahh thats what i thought to...i was light?WTF? he's like..yeah no light till there about this big..and showed my with his fingers like 3-4 inches...i was like...okay? u sure? and he was like yeah you dont need light till about 3weeks i was like..bullshitt...but yeah i got my...
  5. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    Yeah i've looked over it. My scrubbin it. lol guy at hydro store told me 2 keep what ever im growing in Humadome till there about 4inches. then throw them in light. guess he's a douchebag lol thx Ganja =]
  6. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    NoooNooo i understand. but i've been hearing one thing then another. i was told NO light. only like 10min a day. untill there about 4inches? Bullshit or what? lol
  7. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    already? There only seriously like a week old... light already? how much light though? right now im lettin them breathe once a day and giving them 5-10min of light.
  8. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    Hell ya thanks Cheetah. Ill Be LITERALLY updating EVERYDAY lol heres some new pics Should that one with NO leafs at all be like that? lol its all Stem I now have about 20Seeds that have been germ'd and all waiting to grow =] Everything looking good? lol im actually about 2 go pick up...
  9. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    lol well there going up pretty well. i got about 3cm out of today.
  10. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    Thanks Man. Any advice? im just keeping them in a dark area in a Humadome with a Towel over it..should i put some water on them every so often? i know atleast 1 time a day let them breathe. Anything else?
  11. G

    Fresh Start [New]

    Whats up Guys This is my First Grow. Im just using Baggy Seeds from High Mids we get around here in FL heres my Start =] Just first two to start gettin up there lol Sorry kinda blurry took pic with my phone =] :joint::hump: Keep Lookin out guys i'll keep every1 up to date Weekly
  12. G

    Earl's WidowCindy Grow Produced by Speedhabit

    Damnn Man i just joined Rollitup and your one of the first grows i've seen. VERY nice thinkin of starting something like this soon. was gonna go with Hydro but im liking the pots better Keep Growin man =]