2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow


Well-Known Member
No offense, but that is where they should be after about two days... Your soil looks a little too wet and not airy enough. Maybe mix up some soil with 1/3 to a 1/2 perlite and keep it very fluffy. The biggest problem people have with growing cannabis at home (myself included) is giving the roots too much water and not enough oxygen. Don't worry about whether the roots are getting enough water, be concerned with whether they are getting enough air/oxygen. I could be wrong though, all of my experience has been with hydro.


Well-Known Member
No offense, but that is where they should be after about two days... Your soil looks a little too wet and not airy enough. Maybe mix up some soil with 1/3 to a 1/2 perlite and keep it very fluffy. The biggest problem people have with growing cannabis at home (myself included) is giving the roots too much water and not enough oxygen. Don't worry about whether the roots are getting enough water, be concerned with whether they are getting enough air/oxygen. I could be wrong though, all of my experience has been with hydro.
No offense as well but im with Seattle on this one. I see in one picture a Jiffy pot and I have never used one so I am not sure how long it takes to start with them. That being said your title says you are at 2 weeks. I am at 12 days and have three nodes already with a total maximum plant height of 3.5 inches from the soil. I know that these growth rates depend on many variables (lighting, medium, genetics, food, etc...) but those girls look a little small. I agree with the lightening of the soil mixture and less watering. I let my water meter read close to zero before I re-water.

What type of light do you use?


Active Member
Im using a t5 Slimboyzz set up. but i have clay rocks at bottom of potters so i have a drainage system going on. im using 18hrs light daily. and watering every other day.
and soil looked wet cause i JUST watered them literally.
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Active Member
yeah im just using some normal Homedepot soil for now to start off with..being my first grow...plus lack of a paycheck this pastweek haha but i just got paid. what does every1 recomend?


Well-Known Member
set up sounds fine to me. do you have am idea on what strain it is, maybe that could affect growth rate.

Home depot soil is fine but I am imagining that it does not drain as fast as you might think. New growers are always eager to water I have been there. I use the same size pots as you and only water every 2-3 days when the soil is super dry (and im under HID's). I also use a soil mix that is probably much lighter and faster to drain then yours. So even if you don't think overwatering could be the problem right away it may end up being the culprit. Buy one of those little moisture meters at home depot they are like 5 bucks. Also, maybe add some vermiculite and perlite to your soil that could help with drainage and air for the roots.

Finally- how close can you get your light to the plants? I have never used fluros or T5's for that matter so I have no concept as to what the light height should be.


Well-Known Member
ya plants look like they are stretching just a tad can you get the closer like 2-4in. from the tops of the plants. you said 2wks in they look like they just popped up 3-4days ago.


Well-Known Member
They look a bit small to me, but then don't hold me too that i'm new to this but this is how mine looked at 2 weeks. A bit bigger than yours, could just be the strain though i dunno for sure.



Active Member
lol Yeahh when i said 2weeks i was alittle ahead of myself. im also only doing 18hrs on 6off. soo there not gettin fulltime grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok, what in the hell is the old banana trick, all I see is a fucking banana laying on the soil. This post was not meant to harbor any ill will and is only said in a joking manner. Much love for the banana and the grower. :hump: :joint::blsmoke:


Active Member
lol idk some guy who was a big time grower for some seed company [Video I saw] was talking about how it gives better chance of Female's supposingly and it helps it grow alil healthier...swear it was on a video for some seed company


Active Member
lol well this is my 1st time growing so im trying new things yaaknow...trial and error andd who doesnt like to Experiment once in awhile =]


Well-Known Member
i heard monkey cum makes plants healthy....it's just hard to get the monkey to shoot on the plants it added 3 new colas as compared to my other plant with no monkey cum...so as gross and unusual as it sounds it does have good ganes