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  1. S

    G13 x Haze Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    This is my second Grow the first was a G-Force grow that was heavily LST'd and grown in soil. This grow i'm experimenting and trying out growing in Hempy buckets using 1/4 vermiculite 3/4 perlite. I bought 10 reg G13 x Haze planted 2 seeds in rockwool cubes to grow into mothers and then 9...
  2. S

    Auto Assasin Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    This is my second Grow the first was a G-Force grow that was heavily LST'd and grown in soil. This grow i'm experimenting and trying out growing in Hempy buckets using 1/4 vermiculite 3/4 perlite. I have some free Auto Assasin seeds from Dope Seeds, and are currently germinating 2 in...
  3. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Trying to bring her back to life, reveg her but unsure whether she will recover. I did leave some green and a bit of bud on her, when i chopped her to try to reveg but probably very stressed with the harvest. There is signs of life still in her, she has been on the windowsill for a week getting...
  4. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    She was given a weeks flushing with plain water, then 2 days total darkness. She got the chop after the 2 days and hung on string in the grow closet kept the extractor on and circulated the air, only took 4 days to dry out fully. After the 4 days, cut the buds of the stems and stored...
  5. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    When do you think I should start flushing, She's 42Days since flowers first showed and 53Days since been on 12/12. G-Force is a 60-65Day flowering strain but as a noob don't know if that is since going 12/12 or when flowers show, and should i flush for 1 week or 2. Many thanks and rep to anyone...
  6. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Not posted any pics for a while so thought i'd take a few tonight and post them up. Just had a full strength feed of chempak No.4 15/15/30 will probably keep her on these ferts now till she finishes except while i'm flushing her with plain water. First pic shows i've replaced the LED with a...
  7. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Extractor fan broke down 2 nights ago, everytime i walked past the room the grow closet is in i could smell her she's very smelly, couldn't tell when extractor was working how much. Had to do a bit of a cowboy job and transform my circulating fan into an extractor made a adaptor out of cardboard...
  8. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Been a change to feeding schedule had to go away for a few days then ended up being 5 nights away so had 2 waterings of plain water, was very dry tonight but has now has a nice feed of more full strength Chempak No.8. She looking very good, removed some of the old leaves and had to raise the...
  9. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Not really for this thread but as related to this grow. I've been busy making a new use for my led's that i used for the vegging part of this grow, so i'm building a pc grow box for 3 off them to live in. Not finished yet have lights to install at top of case and wiring to fit in with a 12volt...
  10. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Couple of changes since last pics were posted. Have removed a few of the metal pegs holding the branches down and re-bent them to now pull the branches more outwards and down by hooking them over the edge of the pot, due to the branches wanting to go to the light they were pulling the pegs out...
  11. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    15 Days since flowers showed, 26 days 12/12 Also added one of the LED's back in to help a couple of the smaller shoots catch up to the rest to even up the canopy i hope anyway. I think she's looking lovely for a first grow, my long time growing friend very impressed with how she's doing...
  12. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Under her new 250watt 2700k CFL, lights slightly high for photo taking, Also has had a feed of Bio Canna Flores should do the buds some good. Now new light is in the extractor fan will get the ducting extended to the top of the closet to take away the hotter air from the top...
  13. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Eventually getting new CFL and reflector 2moro. Moron's who were delivering couldn't find the address on the delivery note because it's a new estate. But i'm collecting it instead now to save the time of re-posting. Was originally planning on keeping the LED's while i had CFL's on but don't...
  14. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    thought i'd add this picture as it well! says it all! lol
  15. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Been a litle busy so no updates possible for a few days Lots more flowers now and grown a bit as well, hope doesn't grow too tall i'll run out of headroom. temps been at 80ish for a few days fans on full but very warm weather just have to keep as cool as I can. Exhaust now in and...
  16. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Well been another 24hrs since noticed first signs of female flowers more now at the top of the shoots so convinced myself that these are flowers i'm very happy now roll on the buds developing.
  17. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    Are these first signs of flowers developing look like little white hairs seem to be more than i thought at first but hard to take photo as so small. In the 1st photo she looks a bit strange that was the shoot i tried to FIM but i didn't cut far enough for it to work.
  18. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    She's looking good (I think), she's had a feed at half dose and she loved it picked her up nicely. I've had to remove some of the lower fan leaves partly to increase air flow and also to allow the light to get to some of the new growth, should see the new tops getting a bit more strength now...
  19. S

    G-Force LED closet grow

    She's been on 12/12 for 9 days no signs of any flowers yet will just have to wait. Topped a couple of the tallest shoots to allow more even canopy. One of them was the one i FIM'd but obviously didn't cut low enough into the new shoot to work. Cleaned up the canopy a bit and took off a few...