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  1. S

    Plasma Lights

    Has anyone used Plasma lights for growing, and how do they compare to other lights we already use? I have seen 200watters being compared to having 800watt HPS, and at very little heat output, and more of a full spectrum output. More expensive than HPS and CFL's but if heat is lower and light...
  2. S

    Cheese Grow from Clone

    They are being repotted tonight, i've had issues with fungus gnats on my other grows and think my soil has eggs in it so i have just had the soil in the microwave for 10mins on full power, very smelly but boiled it up good lots of steam no way aything lived through that. not going to a big pot...
  3. S

    G13 x Haze Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    It's a male i've removed the useless baby and cut him down. No sense keeping him i'm not going to be breeding as don't have room and lots of seeds and clones out there to try. Hope my other one ends up being female, she smells lovely, and she's still vegging out on 20/4 lighting.
  4. S

    G13 x Haze Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    Thanks for the reply about the sand, i'm going to do that on all further grows just to be sure they stay away, prefer not to use chemical pesticides especially while flowering. I'll have to try the potato if i have any more in this grow looks as if i killed them off for now ( i hope ) Light...
  5. S

    G13 x Haze Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    My early grow was in hempy but had wrong nutes, which caused most of the damage to the plant she has recovered think occasionally i have over fert very hard to get it bang on at this size but they been on feed/water/water which is suiting them now, as they are very green and bushy with close nodes.
  6. S

    G13 x Haze Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    Just taken these pics of my G13xHaze and i think this is a male as i think these are Male Preflowers, still under 20/4 lighting. If they are male please let me know so i can get rid off him earlier the better. +rep for answers (if i can don't know if i'm allowed yet!)
  7. S

    G13 x Haze Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    Think i'm down to 1 G13xhaze the largest looks like it has male pre flowers still on 20/4 light so will watch for now to make sure will add pics later so you all can see if it is it will get the chop don't want any males, if you are sure it's a male let me know please.
  8. S

    Cheese Grow from Clone

    As you can see the growroom is a little crowded at the moment will move all the smaller plants into a pc growbox when finished. Not ideal for them at the moment as they are vegging under red light 2700k cfl 1x250watt and 2x25watt, they are still growing well tho will be better under a blue 6400k...
  9. S

    Cheese Grow from Clone

    I am starting a grow from clones of a cheese plant, unknown of what variety think possibly an original cheese but no clue will see as it grows. First time i have had a clone straight from the plant, i took 4 cuttings and put them in rockwool with rooting compound and put under cfl's on 24hr...
  10. S

    G13 x Haze Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    I had fungus gnats earlier in the grow and had to kill them with plant vitality plus, but have read that putting 1/2 an inch of sand on top of the soil gets rid of them as the sand dries up very quickly, Is this true because if i get them in the future i would like to try it and save having to...
  11. S

    Auto Assasin Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    I had fungus gnats earlier in the grow and had to kill them with plant vitality plus, but have read that putting 1/2 an inch of sand on top of the soil gets rid of them as the sand dries up very quickly, Is this true because if i get them in the future i would like to try it and save having...
  12. S

    G13 x Haze Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    3rd October The two babies are now fully recovered and growing fast. I've taken 2 cuttings from each and they have been dipped in rooting gel and put in rockwool cubes to grow roots. The clones once they have roots will be put in soil and put straight into 12/12 to sex the parents any boys...
  13. S

    Auto Assasin Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    Now i have 2 females, as both my girls are in flower added an extra red cfl to help them and gave them a feed to help them along, they are also smelling lovely, already.
  14. S

    Auto Assasin Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    The largest baby is definately a girl she has started to flower, shame she is so small but she has had too much stress early in her life i have more seeds so will do another grow when the grow room is empty enough.
  15. S

    G13 x Haze Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    Think the babies are slowly recovering, i've cut off the dead leaves allowing more light to get in to the rest of the small green leaves. They don't look brilliant but hoping they recover if they don't i'll have to sow some more seeds, good job these seeds were cheap, didn't spend loads in case...
  16. S

    Auto Assasin Hempy Grow under 250watt cfl

    Grow now back on track they both picking up nicely lets hope they are both female, I've never tried an auto b4 so looking forward to it, hope the babies haven't been stunted by the shock they've been through, time will tell, I'll post some pics soon of how they are doing.