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    Supercrop potential clones?

    I have a mature CH9 mystery indica under 7000 lumens of daylight CFL. I am treating her as a mother until I get new genetics, at which point I will flower her. I am using supercropping to promote bushing as I am focusing on 4-5 potential clones below the 4th node. I just did a heavy...
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    How much will a windowscreen decrease my light?

    Thanks for the quick reply killyourego (+rep) - I'll spring for the chicken wire. I'm growing a mystery indica plant - its a CH9 freebie from attitude a month ago. I used labels that melted when they got wet (I really wasn't thinking ahead on that one). Could possibly be Cluster. I'm...
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    Can I get around heating pad auto-shutoff?

    Cindy - The shutoff is on a timer instead of being temp-related. I would have to manually reset it every 30 min.
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    Can I get around heating pad auto-shutoff?

    I'm using CFLs for veg, and they work just fine, but I would like to have a 250w or 400w for my flowering box. I use the y adapters also.
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    How much will a windowscreen decrease my light?

    I grow indoors but I have a good chunk of the day when I have some privacy and can move the plants outdoors. I hardened them up first and they absolutely love that sun - at twice the growth I see in my veg box. I live on a patch of land where all the refugee animals that have been pushed out...
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    Can I get around heating pad auto-shutoff?

    I'd like to use an old heating pad for a cloning root mat. Commercial versions are $30-40 near me - generally affordable except I'm saving every penny I can for an HPS/MH light. My questions are: 1.) The pad has an auto shut-off on a 30-min timer. Can I bypass this by opening the control...
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    Need a Post-Mortem on disappointing grow - Maybe transplant problem?

    Thanks for your answers, and sorry for the late reply. I'm pretty good about keeping the soil dry, and usually only water every 3-4 days. Temps are 70-75.
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    Need a Post-Mortem on disappointing grow - Maybe transplant problem?

    I just made my first (really disappointing) harvest that seems to have gone wrong in the transplant stage. The plants - CH9 Jack and CH9 Cluster looked healthy but very stunted - they only grew to about a foot (I did some LST, not sure how tall they would have been if I left them alone.) I...
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    Will I stress my AFs by changing their light cycle back to 18/6?

    Hi- I was growing in limited space and threw 2 Afghan Kushes into my box which was already on 12/12. I knew they wouldn't yield as much in 12/12, and I didn't have high expectations, just wanted to add them to the grow and hope for the best. They grew very compact, but are healthy, have lots...
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    Better for young plants: Windowsill or 6000 lumens CFL

    Hi- I am stuck temporarily with 5 plants in solo cups. I will be moving them into my new stealthy dresser in 1 week. IMO, it's not really long enough to justify setting up a Rubbermaid etc... and even the $15 to do that would be a hardship because I just scraped by to pay f/l/sec on the new...
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    Back after a long break, but...

    Thanks for your sympathy at least. I've been reading up on problems with cannabis receptors due to omega 3 deficiencies... I will try taking supplements for a couple while my girls are growing and see if that helps. At least I've seen enough other smokers with this problem that I don't feel...
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    Back after a long break, but...

    Hey everyone- I just finished an 18 month break from smoking, after 10 years of being high every day. I took a break because I didn't have money or good connections and I was tired of feeling like a 'weed-addict'. I'm glad I spent some time away from it, but it's time to get baked again...