Back after a long break, but...


Active Member
Hey everyone-

I just finished an 18 month break from smoking, after 10 years of being high every day. I took a break because I didn't have money or good connections and I was tired of feeling like a 'weed-addict'. I'm glad I spent some time away from it, but it's time to get baked again.

Now, I have cash and great connections, but to my panic, I haven't been able to get high.

At first, I assumed I was getting ripped off, but I've picked up from multiple sources that I trust. Tonight I smoked a full 1/8th of great, crystal laden herb that I'd heard good things about from a friend, with no result. I don't get tired, or have munchies, no red eyes. Over the last 3 weeks, I've probably burned through 2 oz to my head without even getting buzzed.

After a year off of smoking, a couple bowls of Mexican brick should be putting me on my ass. As I said, I smoked from 10 years, so I obviously know how to inhale, etc... And it's not an amount problem. I've sat with a full bag of good herb and smoked till my lungs felt like they were going to bleed.

Anyone know what is happening? I have seeds arriving in the mail tomorrow - I want to know that I'm growing for a purpose.

Thanks for your help. I've really relied on this community for the alst few months while I was gathering growing knowledge... now I need your stoner knowledge.


Well-Known Member
lol what the hell now thats weird man. i like to think i smoke a good amount (around a half a week) and couldnt imagine smoking a eighth and not at least getting buzzed and i smoke some good stuff too.


Well-Known Member
lol try smoking a quarter now. or some hash if you can get it. maybe try a few more peoples stuff? no reason after smoking that long you shouldnt be getting high... but for some reason you might need more


Active Member
Thanks for your sympathy at least. I've been reading up on problems with cannabis receptors due to omega 3 deficiencies... I will try taking supplements for a couple while my girls are growing and see if that helps. At least I've seen enough other smokers with this problem that I don't feel alone in not being able to get high, but it's not really something i think my dr. is going to be motivated to help me with..

I've waited this long, and I was planning on not smoking until I had my own anyway, so I'll extend my break until my own garden arrives.

Tracking info says my seeds got to my town this morning... I'm just staring out the window waiting for that post man.