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  1. S

    nutrient question

    o.k... so i will use RO water for seeds. when they sprout good (like in ure picture) i will add 150ppm of nutes. for starts 2 1st weeks only ro water. sounds good? they will be placed in rockwoll. i will pre-soak the cubes for 12 hours in RO water with ph 4.7 then will soak them in rockwoll...
  2. S

    nutrient question

    Earl, this is what i was thinking as well, i will use the nova nutrient with RO water @ 30 PPM start with 150 ppm addon of nutrinet for seeds.
  3. S

    nutrient question

    but water @ 300 ppm + 150 ppm nutriet makes 450 ppm this is a lot for seeds / cuttings.
  4. S

    new grow

    another day and getting bigger
  5. S

    nutrient question

    great guys!! so basiclly now i can run two setups :-) 1 with hard water @ 300 ppm and hard water ghe nutrients 2 with RO water @ 50 ppm and soft water nutrients of nova. so... what is the ***BEST*** option?
  6. S

    nutrient question

    hi there, i have two options 1. grow with mineral water ppm @ 350 2. grow in RO water 005 ppm I got GHE for hard water kit and bionova hydro kit. which one you think is the better combination? and please let me know what is the recommended EC for seeds/cuttings if i use the setup above...
  7. S

    new grow

    hello, today i have installed a fan and iam monitoring the humidity and temp i started @ 83H and 30C meanwhile a new babe was born. pictures attached.
  8. S

    new grow

    hello, new updates. just got back from work and new surprise after 45 hours a new baby is born!!! wooohoo (check the pics) minor question: like i sayd 20L of nutrient... the ph every day goes back to 7.0, before every watering i need to re-adjust it... is there a better way? i.e. more times...
  9. S

    new grow

    dudes hello thanks again for the information. little bit about myself... iam growing m.j and this is the 1st time growing in hydro. used to grow in soil. until now i have harvested in soil several times and now its time to switch to hydro. here are some new pictures
  10. S

    new grow

    does the ppm quantity sounds good? 120 ppm for start and after several days will goto 150-170ppm? thanks!
  11. S

    new grow

    picture of empty setup and of nutrients will add more today
  12. S

    new grow

    Hello, this is a new grow setup which started today. any comments will be appreciated. system: hydro with sprinklers, growing 8 plants. nutrients: ghe total grow/total blum/bio roots growing media: Rockwell ------1st week-------- the seeds(12) were germinated in distilled water with 003ppm...