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    THC Content

    the kit is very nice, i have it , i dont really know if its good since i tested some weed from a coffeshop and it didnt show good results (the weed was reported as 18% and the test showed about 10%) also i grow pp which shoud be around 15-20% here the test shows 18%. so maybe the coffeshop...
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    pure power plant issuse

    no one can help here?
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    pure power plant issuse

    you can see as well the flowers, one of them got to be brown and white like the others.....
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    pure power plant issuse

    hi there, iam growing pure power plant. i am in week 5 (end of it) the plants grow in soiless mix and the nutrients are Plagron (minerals) check out the pictures of the plants and tell me what u think. p.h is 6.2-6.5 PPM is 780 adding bloom and green sensation. the ppm was 1200 and i lowered...
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    anyone can help?
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    hi guys, i am in week 5 of flowering. growing in soiless mix of plagron. today i water the plants with 1000 ppm of nutrients and ph of 6.0-6.5. when i watered one plant only with regular water and ph of 6.0 the ppm was 1450. which means that there is salt buildup.... correct? so ... do i...
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    clones for sale

    :bigjoint:clones for sale in the nederlands, super silver haze and NL X 5. p.m me if intrested good prices gtreat quality.
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    hash making

    thanks that helps alot!
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    seed to mother plant

    Sounds like alot of time for this. if i can flower in two months... cant she be mother plant in three?
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    hash making

    i see......i have seen that there are special strains for hash. any recommendations?
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    hash making

    and even if i make from trim how much can i produce?
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    seed to mother plant

    anyone?? some1?
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    seed to mother plant

    hi there, i know that it depends on strain but in general from seed to mother plant. how much time will it take? take under the considuration of good conditions? thanks.
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    hash making

    so now come the oubious question? is there a way to produce more? and also, i have seen that there are special strains for hash. any recommendations? thanks.
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    hash making

    hi there, i was wondering, how much hash can i produce (using ice-o-lator) from 1Kg of MJ? (only buds) thanks.
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    coco issues for newbie

    i have planted the seeds 8 of them, into hyddroton with coco, placed under 18/6 FLORO and hummidity is 80%. and we will see what will happen. currently i water them manually because they are small. i water them with 200ppm water + 2 organic nutes (GHE and flora nova) the hydroton was pre-soaked...
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    nutrient question

    i belive that rain water is good also, since the ppm is very low. from my experience with 003 ppm water, i had to add some CA to the water.
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    coco issues for newbie

    hi, i have pre-soaked the coco for 24 hrz in ph 4.0, the ph now is 5.2 and the ppm are 1230. do i need to wash the coco again to remove the salts? if so should it be with regular water or with adjusted ph water?
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    coco issues for newbie

    hello, iam trying to switch now from rockwoll to coco i got some seeds that have germinated in a glass of water and iam interested in transferring them to 18/6 cycle now. iam using drip system with floro @ 54W. 1 . should i pre-soak the coco for 24 hours in p.h 5.5 like rockwell? 2 . can i...
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    nutrient question

    Thanks! great i will try to use coco and let u know