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  1. Urca

    Can Guys Really Not Find the Clitoris.

    im saying hypothetically he'd be the better choice than the one who knew and didnt care. Im pretty sure in the real world, that argument holds no ground
  2. Urca

    Can Guys Really Not Find the Clitoris.

    Lol its more acceptable not to know where it is, and not know what to do with it even if they found it, but if a guy knows and whatnot, but refuses to have anything to do with it, even when he's getting what he wants sexually.... then I'd rather be with the person who doesnt know, that way they...
  3. Urca

    Woo Getting First Tattoo!

    I know, does seem weird, but its the meaning and beauty behind the thing. Honestly, if people say its an elephant tattoo because Im fat, its just them being stupid. I dont care about the connations of fat in this tattoo, because the meaning is so much more important to me
  4. Urca

    Woo Getting First Tattoo!

    I agree, he (the tattooist) agreed to change the head peice slightly, but for the most part keep it the same
  5. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Kuroi, you are beautiful, id love to see you all dressed up!
  6. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    kuroi buddy, where have you been?
  7. Urca

    Woo Getting First Tattoo!

    I would put it on my walls, already have a ganesh statue in my room! :)
  8. Urca

    Women and Makeup. When is it too much?

    lol well im super pale, and pretty big, so thats how I got that. My eyelashes and eyebrows are red gold, so sometimes it doesnt look right with out any makeup. Plus, lets be real, if I didnt wear makeup, I'd never get complimented. Seriously, not once in my entire life have I been called...
  9. Urca

    Woo Getting First Tattoo!

    Nothing really, but i got the tattoo off of google, and already know alot of people have it, saw a few copies of it in google images, so I want an orginal headpeice, so that I dont have the same tattoo as other people. I do love it as is though
  10. Urca

    Women and Makeup. When is it too much?

    See its hard to make up my mind about makeup. I love doing it, I really do. Its like art on my face... But then when I choose not to wear makeup, i get flak from my mother and sister. IT TAKES MY SISTER TWO OR THREE HOURS TO GET READY. Her face is caked with makeup. I tried telling her that it...
  11. Urca

    Woo Getting First Tattoo!

    Lol i asked him to do a take on this, which basically means keep everything but the headdress, and make me a new headdress
  12. Urca

    Woo Getting First Tattoo!

    Ganesh because he's the god of learning and wisdom, and Hindus invoke him for success, also, they call him the remover of obstacles, and Ive always been drawn to the image, found out what it meant, and knew I wanted it. It symbolizes kin what I want and where I am right now. And front of my...
  13. Urca

    Woo Getting First Tattoo!

    Really stoked, my appointment is on tuesday, getting an image of Ganesh. Lots of you have tats, so any tips/tricks for care and for during the tattoo?
  14. Urca

    Dear California Growers

    Id say the central valley. Stockton, Lodi, Turlock, etc. Very rural yet also developed, close to the bay area
  15. Urca

    New Beginnings

    One of my best friends had her baby early this morning, and her daughter is gorgeous. Smoking a celebatory bowl right now, thinking, would you choose to be reborn as a baby, not after death, but if someone offered you the chance now, to be reborn as a child, would you choose it? Im on the fence.
  16. Urca

    Can Not Be Unseen

    seems like a creep
  17. Urca

    Ever see a movie that is so bad it's good?

    Total Recall. Terrible movie, but I cant stop watching it!
  18. Urca

    lol the more i think about skyping... we should try it some time

    lol the more i think about skyping... we should try it some time
  19. Urca

    How do you feel about...dry humping?

    you and I should skype sometime, because then i could give you lessons in being aggressive when angry. I have an explosive temper
  20. Urca

    yeah its me, its a very old picture though. Why?

    yeah its me, its a very old picture though. Why?