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  1. luvvin growin

    Northern Lights(pix)

    They are from,no number,just northern lights.
  2. luvvin growin

    Another Quick Question

    the back of the hand.I keep my 400 watter 8-10 inches from my plants,and it is fine.
  3. luvvin growin

    Northern Lights(pix)

    thanks all,its all appreciated.
  4. luvvin growin

    Northern Lights(pix)

    much appreciated.Just some show and tell,to show some of the people that I'm not ALWAYS full of it,just most of the time.A little reinforcement,if you will.Thanks again.
  5. luvvin growin

    Are we looking OK for 4 weeks into Flowering?

    you need WAY more light than that.Too big for that little light,too bad too,she is pretty big.
  6. luvvin growin

    Northern Lights(pix)

    Just wanted to see if these look okay to you guys.Im growing them under a T5 8 lamp unit,hydro w/FF nutes 2gal. containers.The other is my Lowryder 2,7weeks old.The NL are 25 days old,as of these pics.Temp 82 constant,RH 50%,18/6 schedule.
  7. luvvin growin

    muzik and plants? r plants listening??

    good idea,the co2 will help.The musical vibrations stimulate the stomata into a more vigorous movement,helping the plant to absorb more co2,water,etc.,
  8. luvvin growin

    Got a few questions for you Pro's on here, help GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

    You have to watch the coco as it retains alot of salt residue,you should check the coco growers thread,lots of guys in there know they're shit when it comes to Coco.
  9. luvvin growin

    big buddha cheese pics

    you should go into a transition phsae,giving them both at 1/2 str. for a week the go to bloom.Works for me.Damn nice looking plant,one of the best little plants I've seen on here.
  10. luvvin growin

    Help, plague? ready for 12/12?? heeelp

    and please for the love of god,get the weeds and trash out of the pot,its not good for the plant.
  11. luvvin growin

    Help, plague? ready for 12/12?? heeelp

    Ok,the basics,Whats the temp,how far are they from the light,do you have good ventilation?Got some heat burn going on there.They'll need more water to dissipate the heat.
  12. luvvin growin

    Need help with my plants, new growth slown down, curling top leafes and yellowing

    me too.Grew 1 in MG Organic Choice,1 in MG Moisture Control,both were all f'd up with nute probs,but did grow.
  13. luvvin growin

    Need help with my plants, new growth slown down, curling top leafes and yellowing

    Yeah,I'm dead against growing mj in MG soil because it causes nutrient pockets,hot spots,etc..Try as we might,we just cant seem to convince people to get some good soil.
  14. luvvin growin

    Need help with my plants, new growth slown down, curling top leafes and yellowing

    cut back on the watering some,and they should bounce right back,no real problems from what I can see.
  15. luvvin growin

    White widow seedlings dieing....

    You could,but it better be waterproof and have a low wattage,say 17 watts on low.If thats the only option.Hydrofarm makes the Seedling Heat Mat,available all over online with a quick Google search.
  16. luvvin growin

    start flowering ??

    those are pretty small to be that old,but given the sativa could,but I'd let them get some bigger.Sould also trim the dead foliage from the one.It's doing no good to the plant to keep it.
  17. luvvin growin

    White widow seedlings dieing....

    Electric ones work fine,we have like 10 of em here at work,plug it in,set it and walk away.but you may also consider a root heating pad as well.The only thing you need to keep warm is the roots,so if that is better for now,then I would just get one of those.I use em,and they work,I see roots...
  18. luvvin growin

    White widow seedlings dieing....

    65 is way too clod for those babies.I hate to say it.You gotta keep em warm....the rooting compound might work,but you need heat.
  19. luvvin growin

    24/0 v.s. 18/6

    The plants need some dark to process the stored energy it saved during the day,thus promoting rapid root growth,stronger plants,and more growth throughout the plant.It also helps to lengthen the life of the Mothering plants,as it gives them time to heal.
  20. luvvin growin

    update! 3 weeks flowering

    Ok.Good looking plant,either way.Keep up the good work.