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  1. ethabhae

    white pistils dry too early

    Very thanks friends. Î an very happy .)
  2. ethabhae

    which way of gettin calcium do you advice?

    my plants are in flowering stage, and i have not got any Ca fertilizer except ; calcium ratio 0,01 fertilizer which also contains 20 20 20 npk. i think that is not enough for budding and THC, my pistil tips already drying to brown. i have heard that an eggshell contains %95 of Ca. how can i use...
  3. ethabhae

    white pistils dry too early

    anyway can you look at my pictures? i am worried about my girls, cos these are my first ladies..
  4. ethabhae

    white pistils dry too early

    i have same problem on a plant, how is urs madafaker
  5. ethabhae

    Bad week for Israel

    i give credit only humanity. and i see only brutality in middle east by the government of zion. they see themselves as master race... i think that is a social psychological problem.. their chief rabbi made a statement about killing pregnant womens is a religious duty. he talked shitly...
  6. ethabhae

    Bad week for Israel

    world's biggest problem is zionism that is israeli implements it. can't you even wrap your brain around how a family have a picnic with a massacre view? dont you know why they shoot to their alliance, as a result take up cudgels...
  7. ethabhae

    Small Bagseed Plants 400 watt Hps

    You should find perlite for your next growth... And buy a MH bulb for vegetative growth. Where do you live in Turkey?
  8. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    thanks i have it. i am so happy dude, my other plant shows her sex .) i can see first 2 stigmas
  9. ethabhae

    If it exactly boy...

    i think that's female..
  10. ethabhae

    Pistils turning brown and "shriveling" up-Only about 3 weeks into flowering?
  11. ethabhae

    Everything that has a begining, has an end!

    Everything that has a begining, has an end!
  12. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    i dote up her, cos this is my first female plant.. i am spraying her with a low ppm solution for feeding, is that a problem for flowering cycle. by the way i haven full darkness for her, there is one ventilation hole.. i am afraid of the pistils browning early...
  13. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    which situation occurs this problem?
  14. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    my plants trichromes are browning tips shown below, is that a problem? Thanks..
  15. ethabhae

    are that male flowers?

    I cant speak english very well. Thanks for your correction .d
  16. ethabhae

    hmm i like bending on limited grow area

    i started to bend my lady mj. Because i have not enough height. if your grow area like this, you must bend plants.
  17. ethabhae

    are that male flowers?

    THESE are new pics, i also think it is flowering male. dont want inseminate the female one
  18. ethabhae

    are that male flowers?
