Small Bagseed Plants 400 watt Hps


Well-Known Member
Dear masters and friends,

4th week of Vegetative stage my plants are really small.

Soil nice brand from Turkey-no perlite
General Organics Thrive Bloom
400 watt Hps

My problem is unbeliaveble slow growing process.This is my first time grow.I transplanted very late from cups, after 20 days
or something..And three is no perlite do you think perlite is the problem?

Thank you lovely smokers


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Well-Known Member
hard to see the plants with the HPS on.... they are a bit small but as long as they are healthy ....your pots are large so they are spending time on building roots

I'm sure you will get a few comments about all the tin foil...not the greatest reflective material, mylar would be better

yes, most people would mix perlite in their soil


Well-Known Member
What ISK said ^^ is right on. I had the same problem this grow. I transplanted my plants into their final 18 gallon home too early. They grew pretty slow in the beginning but man once the roots developed they exploded. Tin foil with the hps will probably burn the bottoms of your plants. I would take that out its really not needed. Good Luck
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Well-Known Member
Thank you very much.You motivated me a Lot. Here where I live cannabis is not legal. What you saw was kind of a stealth grow.

You tell me that plants spending time to grow roots, so I understand now why...

Thank you very much.

By the way do you think I should mix with perlite still?


New Member
They're looking great IMO. I'm at about the same place you were when you snapped these and my plants are about the same size. I agree that they're spending time developing a healthy root system rather than anything above ground and that's a positive if you ask me. Keep the updates rolling.


Well-Known Member
You should find perlite for your next growth... And buy a MH bulb for vegetative growth.

Where do you live in Turkey?