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  1. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    fml ...just heard my first rattle snake about 100 feet from my grow site..... hate snakes... but as long as its far from me Im not gonna worry about it. anyways, heres one of my micky kush plants
  2. zest

    dealing with heat stress outdoors?

    u know a place that sells them that big around here that isnt special ordered? ..i dont. plus like I said, no funds for something like that
  3. zest

    dealing with heat stress outdoors?

    ive actually heard this before but never found a whole lot of information on it, so thanks. I didnt really see anything on actually spraying it on that page u sent me, but if if I understand it right, i think I saw a teaspoon of powered aloe per gallon of water?
  4. zest

    dealing with heat stress outdoors?

    wish it were that easy brotha lol. no funds for that right now and i would need a 30x70 sunscreen lol
  5. zest

    dealing with heat stress outdoors?

    Just wondering how you guys deal with heat stress?....besides having fans around your garden. It suppose to be pretty hot tomorrow (105) and just went out today to check on my girls and it looks like a few of them got a little bit of heat stress, leafs curled up and dried out. Im going to be...
  6. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    i was originally going to install a 24x48 greenhouse on the plot and dug the "pool" to have more head room for my plants, but I didn't get it up in time for the season. once summer harvest is finished I will let the rain compact the dirt more and ill be adding concrete. what you see in the...
  7. zest

    Garden Notices

    up in the mountains where I'm at there was some cartel guys growing and pretty much fucked it up for all the growers out here so we all use some type of medical identification so they know we aren't associated with them. they flew over my neighbors house and the wind turbulence ripped his plants...
  8. zest

    Garden Notices

    Hey guys quick question. Im curious as to what paper work I should have hanging on the outside of my fenced garden incase the boys decide to show up. I have my scripts in a binder and a sign for any helicopters reading that its a medical garden but I've seen pictures of other gardens that have...
  9. zest

    AACT, Bloom Tea, Veg Tea, Fungal Tea, Myco Tea, recipes from the outdoor guys.

    hey guys I was wondering if anyone had any experience using goat manure. I have a neighbor who has some goats and offered me some for my vegetable garden but would like to use it in a compost tea for my real garden :) ...problem is I have never used any other manure besides earth worm castings...
  10. zest


    you'll be fine. i did the same thing to one of my plants a few weeks back. just watch it to see if you see the new growth growing upwards. if you don't see anything growing you might be in trouble. 3-4 days you'll see it bounce back
  11. zest

    help cooling a greenhouse

    what you should do is at the ends of the greenhouse where you have your walls, you should chop the tops off and just go with 2x4 framing. Cover it with basic insect screens to keep unnecessary and unwanted bugs out. then take a couple of fans and hang them from the tops of your pvc pipes...
  12. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I have 4 agent orange plants growing this summer and this is probably one of my favorites in my entire garden so far ]
  13. zest

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    sweet! i had to cut 35 of those cages...used a grinder and my thumbs were looking like the hulks thumbs after it was all said and done lol.
  14. zest

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    did u make the trip out this way for the wire? or were u able to find it else where?
  15. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    not to be mean but that looks like poop soup lol hope I'm wrong tho.
  16. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    thanks! I initially was going with a greenhouse and bought a 20x48 cold frame but wasnt able to get it up in time for the season so i had to improvise at the last minute.
  17. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    ill pm u here in a second.
  18. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    yea these are all 7 foot remesh wire. they come in 200 foot lengths. Im in Cali around the Jackson - Stockon area. I had to call around and found some rolls for $179 a piece.