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  1. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    cole train
  2. zest

    roots popping out under smart pots

    Not as long as I wanted but it cooked for 6 weeks. I got pretty bad burn on one of my agent orange plants and one of my space candy plants. I never had an issue until after the heat, they all look super healthy prior. I'd like to think that the heat sent the roots looking for water thru the...
  3. zest

    roots popping out under smart pots

    Supersoil Water from the county ran thru a tall boy sediment filter Ewc teas about once every 2 weeks Been in a 25 gallon smart pot for 2 months now
  4. zest

    roots popping out under smart pots

    hey guys, was wondering if any of you outdoor growers can chime in on this. about a week ago i posted a thread trying to find out wth was going on with my plants ( ) ... thought it might be a ph issue but I hadnt had the problem...
  5. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    one of my tangies quantum kush getting herself ready for the dark period. getting super tall, cage is 7 feet tall, shes 8ft.
  6. zest

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    are u guys gonna start opening her up? or leave her be?
  7. zest

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    i cant wait to get my greenhouse up. just gotta knock out this summer crop and ill be right behind you jj
  8. zest

    never had these colors leaves need help

    ahhh.... didnt read the whole thread
  9. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    last night
  10. zest

    never had these colors leaves need help

    like what?...i put my plants outside and got the same thing on my was sun burn.
  11. zest

    never had these colors leaves need help

    looks like sun burn to me.
  12. zest

    is this heat stress???

    from what i read it sounded like they were new clones. misunderstood what you were trying to say, didnt really make a lot of since in ur first post lol. what are your growing in? whats ur ph?
  13. zest

    is this heat stress???

    looks like transplant shock. im sure the heat didnt help either.
  14. zest

    heat stress causing a potassium def?

    no, no spikes.
  15. zest

    heat stress causing a potassium def?

    any ideas on how i should lower my ph in a 285 gallon water tote? lol. i mean I really cant afford to throw a bunch of ph down in there and then have it drop wayyyyy down. would be a waste of water. Now hear me out here on this before u guys think im crazy lol. I just ph'd all the water I have...
  16. zest

    heat stress causing a potassium def?

    im really not sure if it is nute burn. for instance the plant I pulled those leaves off of had no problems what so ever until It got 105 one day. I knew it was going to be hot so i watered in the morning and once again at night. I noticed the heat stress on my daily afternoon check. I really...
  17. zest

    heat stress causing a potassium def?

    whaddup guys, I made a thread about a week ago right after I noticed I had some heat stress on one of my girls. It got up to 105 here and it really did one of my girls no good. I saw some curled up leafs in various spots but it was already too late to do anything about it. I cant move my plants...
  18. zest

    Organic Feeding 101.

    hey guys, I was wondering if you guys could school me on foliar feeding with aloe vera? im finding very little information on the subject and Im really interested in using it to help with heat stress. The sun almost cooked one of my plants and want to avoid it next time it reaches those kind of...
  19. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    last one for the night
  20. zest

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    nah it was pretty far, I saw the cat playing with it about 100 feet away. threw a couple of rocks to scare off the cat and it did the job but I wasnt about to go down and mess with the snake lol.