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  1. Frosteze

    BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

    I built one for $100. 30 gallon trashcan, 20 gallon tote (for sump pump), 390gpm pump, 21 gallon mortar mixed tub, a couple valves, dripline and some pvc. I have 19 Tilapia in this system. They're pretty small for now. Planning on a 275 gallon IBC in the next week or so. I have tomatoes, okra...
  2. Frosteze

    My plants are not looking good.

    These are in smart pots with 1/3 coco coir, 1/3 lava cinders, and 1/3 Kellogg organic garden soil. When the plants are young, I'm watering every other day. My nutes are many but fairly spread out overall.
  3. Frosteze

    My plants are not looking good.

    That's about how my Sour D looks after three weeks.
  4. Frosteze

    My plants are not looking good.

    Good to know. Thanks!
  5. Frosteze

    My plants are not looking good.

    Yep, still learning. Grew indoors for a few years and growing outdoors is completely new to me. Dealing with bugs, high winds, heat is all affecting me right now. At least the temps have dropped a few degrees. Growing Sour D which has a fairly long flowering period which exposes the plant to...
  6. Frosteze

    My plants are not looking good.

    About a week and a half or so after setting outside. Like I said though, I'm not an expert. Haven't quite figured out why. Maybe the change ( LED to sun) locks out nutes or not hardening off long enough. Combination of both maybe.
  7. Frosteze

    My plants are not looking good.

    Seems like a lot. Cal mag is always in the water until final two weeks. Superthrive is also always in the water during veg. Big bloom, molasses and maxicrop get mixed for a feeding and the grow (1/2 dose during flowering) and bloom are watered individually. Plain water between feedings. I just...
  8. Frosteze

    My plants are not looking good.

    Seablast (grow and bloom), maxicrop with iron, big bloom, cal mag, superthrive (not during flowering) and molasses. No expert by all means. I figured I'd put the ingredients in and the plant will take up what it needs.
  9. Frosteze

    My plants are not looking good.

    I notice when I go from artificial light to outdoors, I get some yellowing on the new growth. I've just started growing outdoors and it seems every plant has done this so far just as it starts to push hairs. Seems to work itself out though. Epsom Salt probably wouldn't hurt if you haven't added...
  10. Frosteze


    I was thinking the same. Just give it water until it recovers. Check the moisture level before watering. Hopefully this helps.
  11. Frosteze


    First leaves gonna fall off. That's what they do. Not sure about the yellowing of the stem. I'll leave that up to a more experienced grower. Nutes or a water problem is my guess.
  12. Frosteze

    Need Help PLEASE ASAP-Plants in Flowering

    Maybe a shady spot for a couple days if can. Plant might need hardened off. Might burn from the sun if not.
  13. Frosteze

    Hawaii Growers

    This is my first attempt at growing outdoors. Knew it was going to be a hassle due to the pests I deal with on my other crops. I'm hoping the results pay off. Just gotta stay on top of things I guess. You've got a hungry little critter there. What's your game plan and how far along are your crops?
  14. Frosteze

    Wilted one week into flowering

    I think the issue is solved. This afternoon 1pm, I noticed she was starting to wilt. It was really windy. I moved her to a more protected spot for the rest of the day. I just checked her out when I got home. Still a little wilted, but nowhere near as the last two nights. I imagine it was just...
  15. Frosteze

    Hawaii Growers

    I'll pick some up tomorrow. Thanks.
  16. Frosteze

    Tree sap dropping on buds

    Maybe the tree is being munched on. Not sure how to wash off sap but you might be able to prevent it in the future (if your tree is be eaten).
  17. Frosteze

    Is a 1 Gallon pot o.k.?

    I'm attempting an outdoor grow with 3gal smart pots. I'm legal but I'm still discrete about my grow. This is for personal use though. Rotating every 2 weeks after a month of veg on Sour D. Friend gave me Critical Mass. This may be more suitable with a shorter flowering season. I attached a pic...
  18. Frosteze

    Hawaii Growers

    Good to know so many Maui growers on this site. I guess I picked a good forum to join. Sunny Southside here. I'd be down for a potluck. Please PM me if anything going down. I'm having a aphid problem right now on my outdoor. Just blasted them with canola oil and Dawn dish soap. I haven't seen...
  19. Frosteze

    Wilted one week into flowering

    Here's a photo during the daytime. Yellow seems to be going away on the newest growth. Leaves are not wilted (for now). We'll see how the evening goes.
  20. Frosteze

    Wilted one week into flowering

    She was just transplanted a quart pot into the 3 gallon smart pot. Definitely not rootbound. The soil is dry before I water. I'm in Maui and we are just about 12/12. It's definitely hotter outside than my veg room. Sour D is recommended for our environment and can tolerate the higher temps...