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  1. Frosteze

    Caterpillar help

    I have one about to harvest in a week or so. The one attacked the most is three or so weeks out. I decided to spray that plant and the others behind it (SOG). I identified the pest as a Cabbage Worm (Looper). It's a listed pest on the pesticide. I'm more curious about when the product shouldn't...
  2. Frosteze

    Caterpillar help

    Just started noticing these bastards dining on my leaves. I sprayed with "Don't Bug Me" by Foxfarm. The directions state it can be applied up to the day of harvest. Does anyone know if this is correct application for MJ? Is this a good product for this pest? I did notice when I sprayed...
  3. Frosteze

    how to observe plants/equipment without disrupting photoperiod

    Get a thermometer that records highs and lows.
  4. Frosteze

    Hydrochloric Acid HCL pH down?

    I'm wondering if anyone has opinions on HCl as a pH down solution. I currently use it for my aquaponic system and I was just wondering if it's safe to use for MJ? Just trying to minimize maintenance.
  5. Frosteze

    How long?

    Ah...thanks for the heads up on PM. Yes aphids are a bitch.
  6. Frosteze

    How long?

    PM? I'm constantly batting aphids.
  7. Frosteze

    How long?

    Here's a few photos from two days ago of the same plant.
  8. Frosteze

    How long?

    Once the sun is up, I'll take a couple more photos. I was thinking at least another week and a half. I do have a loupe (30x). I have already started to flush. Not that I want this thread to be an argument of whether or not to flush. I've just had better results with flushing.
  9. Frosteze

    How long?

    This is week 8 on an 8-10 week strain (Sour D). I've also heard this strain can go 12 weeks. Thoughts?
  10. Frosteze

    Hawaii Growers

    Anyone ever try Critical Mass outdoors? I'm dry side of the island and I acquired a couple seedlings. Or does anyone have growing recommendations for a similar dense bud strain?
  11. Frosteze

    Hawaii Growers

    Been "stuck" here for 7 1/2 years now. Not so bad.
  12. Frosteze

    BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

    What causes the stretch? Too much Nitrogen? Not enough light? They still look like something I'd wanna smoke.
  13. Frosteze

    Hawaii Growers

    No funkies from neem and soap late in flower? Good to know.
  14. Frosteze

    BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

    They do grow fast. Upgrading tank next week. System is about a month and a half old. Started out with some veggies. Then I'll give the D a shot. Gotta figure out how to transition clones though. I have to veg indoors and I don't want to transfer a plant grown in soil into the system. Invites all...
  15. Frosteze

    BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

    Exactly. They're starting to outgrow it. Adding a bigger fish tank and better/maintenance friendly filtration next week.
  16. Frosteze

    Clones from clones from clones?

    Perhaps you evolved to your plant's potential?
  17. Frosteze

    Clones from clones from clones?

    Wouldn't be a "clone" otherwise.
  18. Frosteze

    Clones from clones from clones?

    So then a clone from a clone somehow loses its genetic trait?
  19. Frosteze

    Clones from clones from clones?

    I had a discussion earlier on whether or not a strain would lose anything the longer down the line if clones where taken from clones. My point was it's a genetic identical so how could it. I've also cloned over and over a G-13 strain for about 5 years and never did I notice any difference in the...
  20. Frosteze

    My plants are not looking good.

    Neither one of those could hurt. 1 tsp. per gallon on both. Unsulphured molasses and plain old Epsom salt. Once a week is good. Quit a couple weeks before finishing. Don't overdo molasses.